Anyone Studying Photography?

February 17th, 2011
I'd love to keep in touch with others who are studying photography, either full time, through a college or similar or just actively working towards making your photography better by reading books, online tutorials etc

I am studying via the Photography Institute in Australia - its an online course which i have found extremely helpful! I'm only on module 3 and the things i know now, which means the things i DIDNT know before, and what will i know by the end!!

So are there any other student photographers out there?
February 17th, 2011
I figure I will always be a student of photography!

As part of my AIPP membership, I have to complete accredited workshops etc every year, so I'm always attending formal training of some kind, as well as all the stuff I do on my own that isn't specifically accredited.

I've heard good things about that PI course, actually - one of the better online courses around. I've even considered doing it myself, mostly to see if there are any major gaps in my knowledge and to get some different perspectives.

If you're ever feeling like a week away from it all and some serious learning to boot (and as long as you have a healthy bank balance) I highly recommend Les Walkling's workshop on Orpheus Island - - I'm booked in for this year, last attended in 2009, and was devastated I couldn't attend last year!
February 17th, 2011
Do you think the online course can be suitable for a 40-y-old with full-time job and 3 kids? Seriously!!
February 17th, 2011
I have been reading books and articles, but want to take a free online course. I just haven't had the time yet to do so.
February 17th, 2011
@lightfantastic I bought my mum a place on an evening class in photography at our local college for Christmas, and I think she's had three sessions now. She's @cathywright
February 17th, 2011
@lightfantastic I was looking into that photography Institue, It's advertised on fb. I'm taking it it's good then? I would loveto do a college course but it's going to cost a packet and can't afford that right now.

I'm doing a taster course starting in March, one night a week. I've done it before but felt I didn't learn as much as I do now through 365 but now I am armed with knowledge from here I'm hoping to find out more on the course again since I have loads of questions to ask now.
February 17th, 2011
I was going for my associates in fine arts in photography until life got in the way. It's what made me a film snob, haha.
February 17th, 2011
I am currently taking currently taking photography classes at a local college as well. I've had my DSLR for almost 3 years and I figured it was time for me to really get to know it better.
February 17th, 2011
i too am doing photography at my local college. it's a level 1 course and i'm loving having the time to learn more and move from auto to manual control of the camera
February 17th, 2011
Hi, Ria.
I'm studying independently with text books given to me by friends, also online tutorials, etc., until I can get back into school... which I will then have to do more prereqs before moving forward in actual art classes. There are other art students here though.

are just a few that I know of, but I'm sure there are more. Will be checking out your album this evening. (Funny, I'm supposed to be cleaning the "art room".)
February 17th, 2011
@kirsty1975 The PI course is great!!! I've always been an intuitive photographer, camera on auto (or whatever my dad set it to for me) and just wing it!
When I got my 5d I did learn to use it on manual, but again I was just winging it, had no idea WHY anything happened. This course is telling me the why. My photos have become more consistent, because I know how to make it do what I want, so far I've learnt about different cameras, lenses, shutters, aperture, iso and dynamic range, and that's just module 3 out of 12! The course is like listening to a mentor, George Seper (who I got as my mentor!) it teaches u bit by bit and then it all comes together in a big AHA! moment (PI is not paying me or anything, I really think its a great course)
February 18th, 2011
@lightfantastic Great, I'll look into it then. I really want to do a proper course whether online or college and online means I'll be here for the kids after school etc too which is a bonus.
February 18th, 2011
If you get on their mailing list they do specials sometimes, I got mine half price, just $600 paid off over 6 months ($100 a month) @kirsty1975
February 18th, 2011
@lightfantastic cool will do then, thanks
January 3rd, 2013
@kirsty1975 did you end up doing the PI course? id love to hear some feedback :)
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