First water drop shot!

February 17th, 2011
I decided around midnight to start playing with water just for the fun of it. I have never done shots trying to captur water movement before and this is from my first time doing it today! I'm very proud of myself that I actually got a decent one in the bunch.

I'd love it if others wll share their first time water shots and/or stories that go along with that shot!
February 17th, 2011
Oooh, that looks cool!

I tried with milk once in November but tbh, I had no idea what I was doing.

February 17th, 2011
@indiannie_jones That is amazing how it looks so much like a flower. This is on my "shots to attempt" list but haven't tried it yet . . .
February 17th, 2011
@chamrick I was surprised too :)
February 17th, 2011

this is my first attempt at capturing water in motion,i went out after the rain and froze while trying to catch the drips coming off the edge of the dustbin, it's something i will play with again in a week or 2 when i have no children about to distract me and i remember ;)
February 17th, 2011
@sallycheese Thats the next shot i want to do, is the water dripping off of something outside. It is the perfect time to do so now with all the snow melting where I am. Have fun in your second attempt!
February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca good luck and be better prepared than i was, i didn't have my camera set to do contnuous shooting and my knees were aching from crouching down, a tripod and the right setting would have helped enormously and probably got the shot quicker
February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca forgot to say i like your shot,the coloured liquid helps it stand out
February 17th, 2011
@sallycheese Yeah I need to use continuous shooting. I didn't even think of that haha. Thank you. The color I added for a completely different shot but then used it for this. It does make it stand out doesn't it.
February 17th, 2011
My first attempt a capturing a water shot almost pushed me over the edge of frustration. At the time I didn't have a tripod, macro lens, or spot lighting, so getting just odds of getting the right shot were not in my favor. I must have taken about 75 shots (or more) and finally gave up. I remember saying out loud to myself, "Well, that was a total waste of time. I might as well see how bad these are." As I watched my photos being imported onto my computer, my hopes for "just one good shot" fell dramatically. And then THIS one popped up.

That one capture got my heart racing and I sat up a little straighter in my chair, anxious to see just what I had and if it could be modified into something I could use. It wasn't the capture I was hoping for, but it turned out pretty cool anyway. And lo and even made the Popular Page albeit only briefly. The lesson I learned was to not let discouragement get the best of me - persistence is essential when trying your hand at photography.

Since then, I've purchased a tripod and a cheap light that isn't exactly what I want but works for now. I still don't have a macro lens, but will have one within the next month or two. I can't wait to try water shots again when I have the right equipment. Until then...I'm going to keep on being persistent.
February 17th, 2011
@dejongdd Thats a really nice first shot. I didn't use a tripod, any sort of lighting set up or a macro lens. I have a Kodak Easy Share camera. Its a nice one, but nothing fancy. I sat on the floor of my dorm room with nothing but my camera, a bowl of water and a water bottle to drip the water. I probably took around 50 shots. I got frustrated to, but the shot I got made it more than worth it!
February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca Thanks, Jessica. Don't you find yourself in strange positions as you work on your photography? I definitely do, and often work when I'm alone so I don't have the distraction of people laughing at an old woman rolling around the floor in odd positions just to take a picture of a drop of water. Thanks for sharing this discussion! I'm fascinated with water shots and love reading the stories behind them.
February 17th, 2011
@dejongdd I ge those looks too. Luckly my roommate is intoo photography too so she is right with me doing shots in strange looking positions! haha. You're welcome. I love water shots too!
February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca Great shot! I have been trying this and I still can't get it. :( Your colored liquid gives me an idea. Thanks! :)
February 17th, 2011
@carrieoakey You're welcome. Have fun with your shot idea!
February 17th, 2011
@dejongdd talking of strange positions i dread to think what people though if they saw me kneeling at the base of a tree in the park today lol
February 17th, 2011
@carrieoakey the coloyr has given me an idea aswell,food colouring and a pipette need to be acquired now ;)
February 17th, 2011
Yours is beautiful Jessica, great job!

This is my first go a month or so ago

I followed the instructions another 365er gave me but saying as a jug just didn't seem to be working for me I then tried a ladle and then a salt shaker to finally get this haha! :)
February 17th, 2011
first water shot, a loooong time ago!

February 17th, 2011
@lala_land The salt shaker is a great idea. I used a water bottle for mine. I mights have to try the salt shaker idea! I love he mutiple drops and how each drops gets clearer as it reaches the rest of the water.

@vikdaddy I like the movement coming off the right side of the apple. Very nice
February 17th, 2011

This was my first attempt and I was stoked I managed to get the 'crown' shape of the water drop.

@Jessica - what type of liquid did you use for your shot? I like the colour
February 17th, 2011
@kaost Its water. I bought colored crayola bubbles not for this purpose, but they worked haha, and used them in the water for yesterdays shot if you care to look. Then I just mixed it into the water.
February 17th, 2011
Here's mine... not perfected but one of my precious photos for my persistence :-) I love to do this again but doesn't have time for now. Your waterdrop shots are awesome!

February 17th, 2011
well here is mine :)

I went into the bathroom and just started clicking . . epic fail! Then I got determined and spent half a day on 365 and youtube trying to figure it out. Finally I pulled the desk lamp out of my son's room, filled up a baking pan with water, propped a dispenser up on boxes, the camera up on a stool and started clicking away. .. I was so excited when I actually got some drips!!! This isn't a drop, but I liked the way the water looked anyway. href="">

of course now that I see everyone elses, I can't wait to try it when I actually have a tripod, or an off camera flash, or a macro lens :)
February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca Aha - I checked it out as you suggested - bleeding hearts = NICE!
February 17th, 2011
This was my very first attempt. I have lots of drop shots in my project after this one. I became quite addicted for a while.

This was tons of fun after the initial frustration of trying to set it up and actually get a photo to appear! So many missed shots, black shots, and solid white shots, blurry shots, etc. I couldn't get the coloring I wanted so food coloring was involved.

February 17th, 2011
Great looking at everyone's first attempts. They are all so interesting and different. Thanks for sharing. I haven't tried capturing moving water yet but can't wait to! I took these couple of shots the other day as my first 'still water droplet' attempt...

The first one caught my eye reflection in it:

In the second, the natural window light reflected as a heart shape:

February 17th, 2011
everyone else's is so much better than mine!

But here is my first attempt from yesterday;

February 17th, 2011
@jessleeca - Nice job. i actually did a water ""drip shot today...It was just water dripping from the faucet so it doesn't require much of a setup. But it turned out okay. One day I am going to try one similar to yours and see if i can catch that "crown" on the surface.

February 18th, 2011

those were my first water drop photos, i love water photos!
February 18th, 2011
@jessleeca great shot, jessie! i haven't attempted liquid in a glass yet, but here is a water shot that i was lucky enough to catch:
February 18th, 2011
awsome shot for your first one!! ain't it great playing with water? not my first but my most recent one is here:
February 18th, 2011
@roth Nice crown! Thank you, I have to say I was pretty happy with my shot

Cant wait to play with water again!
February 18th, 2011
@sallycheese it is, isn't it? i'll wait for your shot too. :)
February 18th, 2011
February 18th, 2011
Here's a challenge, rain drops! It was raining today. No way to really time raindrops as they are very inconsistent.

February 18th, 2011
@jeancarl I just started with water, but maybe ill try that eventually!
February 18th, 2011

My 1st go...well it was a halfed assed try really, I was going for something else altogether but this was what I liked out of the bunch. Gonna' give it another go soon. BTW all the ones one the thread are very cool, much better than mine.
February 19th, 2011
So I was so inspired by the conversation yesterday that I decided today is the day. I worked at it in the middle of the night after I got the fam to bed. Here are 3 of my best.Which one of the three do you like best
February 19th, 2011
February 19th, 2011
This one was so cool that it has a heart in the center. :) Thanks for all the amazing inspiration!
February 19th, 2011
@shutterbugmomma The heart in the last one is amazing, but I really think my favorite one is the second one. I love the colors you used. Nice job!
July 7th, 2012
I decided spur of the moment to try this, here are 2 of my shots

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