Holy RAW Batman!

February 18th, 2011
So I was playing with the RAW settings on my camera. Now I will be the 1st to admit that I normally shoot in jpeg but this project is about learning & growing & after hearing all the hype about RAW I thought why not? So I set my camera to do jpeg & RAW so I could compare. The image was of the full moon & OMG!! There is so much more detail in the RAW image. Ok I think I am sold.
February 18th, 2011
really?!? I will have to try this myself!
February 18th, 2011
I've also been reading the comments about shooting RAW. I think I will have to try it too!
February 18th, 2011
I tried shooting in the Raw but nearly got arrested!!
February 18th, 2011
@nikkers LOL Thanks I needed a laugh!
February 18th, 2011
@nikkers LOL!
February 18th, 2011
@mikichelle I know. Need a much bigger SD card then, though... Guess it's ok for around the house shots since I can upload those to my comp immediately. Hmmm...
February 18th, 2011
@nikkers LMAO! much needed chuckle
February 18th, 2011
How about downloading? What's the trick when downloading your RAW images. And @nikkers ... HILARIOUS!!!
February 18th, 2011
I love RAW for detail too. What I love most though is the flexibility you have with white balance. Sooooo much easier to adjust WB with a RAW file than a JPG!

If only the files weren't so HUGE.
February 18th, 2011
Once you go RAW,you never go back to JPEG.
February 18th, 2011
ok, I am really not schooled in this stuff. How do you shoot in RAW?? I would like to try it!
February 18th, 2011
@karenkool no trick for downloading as far as I know but you have to have a program that can read the file.
@spaceman I didn't think I would feel that way. I took a couple shots a few weeks ago & I wasn't impressed, but now I am wondering if it was the photographer at fault and not the RAW LOL!
@deesdiscoveries It is a setting in the camera. I shoot with a Canon Rebel Xti DSLR & I got into my settings for picture quality & change it there. My camera can shoot JPEG & RAW at the same time. A memory eater yes but it made me see the difference.
February 18th, 2011
@mikichelle ok, Im going to see if I can find it, and try it out. Thanks!
February 18th, 2011
I've been reading up on switching to RAW. The only drawback I could see is the file size is multiplied considerably. I have to admit I haven't tried yet. I'm a little on the fence, but will probably give it a chance...
February 18th, 2011
One other disadvantage of RAW is that you need to convert your RAW files to JPG before most photo hosting sites to upload them. And some software won't open them either. If you're using Lightroom or Photoshop or Aperture, it's not a big deal though. I use Photo Mechanic to cull images, then edit in LR and upload from LR straight to zenfolio. Works great.
February 18th, 2011
I changed to RAW after starting on here and it's certainly made a difference
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