Help needed with Photoshop and Camera Raw.

October 27th, 2019
Can any of you Photoshop cracks please help me! I have been on 3 different Adobe chats yesterday with my issue. One person could only resolve it partially, the next one changed some settings and the third one was pretty useless. I am trying to open jpegs or tiffs in camera raw! I have watched numerous tutorials, but they all don't work on my laptop. I have Windows 10, 64 bit. E.g, in the format pop-up menu I don't have the option to open in camera raw, only in Photoshop cc. When it opens, it is the normal screen. I can open raw files directly though. Can anyone please advise me on this issue, I would be ever so grateful.
October 27th, 2019
Open photoshop, go to File and open Browse in Bridge (or open bridge directly), select folder with photo then right click on photo to select open in Camera Raw. Option is toward the top of the pull down menu.
October 27th, 2019
Or let file open in photoshop then go to filter and select Camera Raw filter. Photo will open in Camera Raw. Both ways will get photo into Camera Raw.
October 27th, 2019
@photographycrazy Thanks for your prompt reply. I don't use bridge, it is way too complicated for me. I will try the other option, thanks so much.
October 27th, 2019
Camera Raw is now a filter within Photoshop so it makes it convenient. I agree about bridge, I only use bridge to view my photos and then open to photoshop or camera raw. Good luck
October 28th, 2019
@photographycrazy You're a star, it works! 3 hours of Adobe chats and view sharing, nobody could tell me that! Thanks so much 😊
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