My activity feed has locked up.Help.

October 30th, 2019
My activity feed has locked up and I can't go to Next Page. Is anyone else having problems?
October 30th, 2019
Mine seems OK. Have you tried the direct link:
October 30th, 2019
Just tried it and it does the same on the direct link. @humphreyhippo
October 30th, 2019
I am having the same problem as you Wendy.
October 30th, 2019
@chris17 I thought it was a problem with my computer but it is the same on my phone and tablet and you as well there must be a blip in the system somewhere. Posts have been coming through again this afternoon as usual its just the morning ones I can't access. It happened a couple of weeks ago as well.Hope yours is OK now Christine.
October 30th, 2019
Mine isn’t working on phone or tablet.
October 30th, 2019
@humphreyhippo Thank you for your message feed is back to normal now but I cannot get back to this mornings posts as they are still locked .
October 30th, 2019
@chris17 Hope your feed returns as mine has done.
October 30th, 2019
I've had a similar problem and get this message when I try to advance to the next page:

Your activity feed is where you keep track of your
recent uploads and the activities of your friends.

Your first step is to Upload some photos
or find some great photographers to Follow

If you're a bit lost check out the Getting Started Guide
October 30th, 2019
@randystreat That is the message I get Kathy but it is back to normal again now except for the missing posts from my friends. I wonder why it happens.
October 30th, 2019
@wendyfrost It's happened to me several times in the past two weeks. It sort of goes away, but has come back. Perhaps it's a problem with memory but on the site rather than the computer. Yes, I think Ross needs to evaluate this.
October 30th, 2019
@scrivna - is it our computers or the site?
October 30th, 2019
Mine has come back now!
October 31st, 2019
this has happened to me occasionally maybe 3 times this year. the first time I wasted a lot of time trying to figure it, but when whatever the glitch is happens, it just seems to stick for that batch of feed then get sorted for the rest afterwards and yeah takes about half a day to clear.
strange I know!
October 31st, 2019
Oh hey guys, sorry to hear you’re having trouble, I imagine you all follow the same person and that one item is causing the feed to break. I’ll look in to it today.
October 31st, 2019
@wendyfrost @randystreat @chris17 @koalagardens
I found the issue with the newsfeed, it's down to someone you follow has set their account to 'private' and uploaded a bunch of photos that you can no longer view, and so the feed thinks there's nothing left. I've put in a fix for this. Thanks for letting me know!
October 31st, 2019
@Scrivna thanks mate!
October 31st, 2019
@Scrivna Thank you for your time Ross much appreciated.
November 1st, 2019
@Scrivna Thank you Ross for investigating and fixing. I appreciate all you do for this site.
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