AI Photo Editing

December 23rd, 2020
Recently the company Luminar released their new product Luminar AI, which has artificial intelligent editing as the primary feature. I've only edited one photo with it so far, but the results are... interesting.



Using a cell phone picture and less than 5 minutes of using this app for the first time I was able to come up with these results. I let it choose the crop, I picked a replacement sky and added some fog.

Overall I like the edited photo more, but I also know that it is nothing like what the scene actually felt, but the original didn't either. So I'm conflicted about wanting a "picture" to be mostly based on a representation of what was actually happening, but at the same time, saving a rather drab photo without hours of work has its place as well.
December 24th, 2020
I think it all depends on what you intend your photo to be. If you want an accurate record of what you saw at the time then you only edit to correct things that you feel the photo hasn’t captured accurately. If, on the other hand, your primary goal is to create something you find beautiful or eye catching then go however far you want, to achieve that result. Or you may even want to use the photo as a basis to create an image that you have, in your mind, which is very different indeed from the original. To me, once we get to changing out the sky for a completely different one, we have entered that territory.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with any of those approaches as long as you are not presenting your image as being an accurate representation of an actual place or event.
December 25th, 2020
Wow, cool!
December 25th, 2020
I've used Luminar 4 and really like it, but I am now using it when I want to create something as if I were a painter using a 'real' scene as inspiration. I'm also using it to create fantastical scenes that are obviously constructed from a bunch of different scenes/images. I try to use my own skies and other objects though, rather than the ones with the programs. I've noticed I'm able to recognize 'skies' that come from Luminar's presets as the processing program has become more popular. So, all in all, I really like the program and its ease of use, and think it is a fun option for playing around with a photo. But, I am not sure how I feel about using it to create an artistic image simply by pasting in one of their skies (thought I did so a lot for practice early on when figuring out the program).
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