365 Collage

January 2nd, 2021
I'm pretty sure I've seen people create 365 (366) collages with all of their pictures of the year, but I'm not quickly finding what sites support that many. Lightroom 6 seems to max out at 225 and Google Photos only goes up to 6.

Anyone have a software/site that works?
January 2nd, 2021
And a video to show how to do it!
January 2nd, 2021
One way to do it is to create 12 collages, one for each month and then put those 12 in a collage.
January 2nd, 2021
Hi Joshua. Well, I have never put my 365 pictures in a years collage. But my process would be like Shutterbugs @shutterbug49, to do 12 monthly collages (either start from a printscreen of the month, with or without further pp sample: https://365project.org/mona65/365/2019-04-01 oder pic by pic) and then combine them. Either freehand in PS or so, or one of the collage makers. http://www.photoscape.org for example. This is a very easy and very basic free software, where you can choose different formats for collages (album pages). I actually only use it sometimes, because you can choose round edges in the frames. Attention, plan ahead: here you need to decide at the beginning, which format, so you are not disapointed when filling the little frames. And if you think of printing, decide before you start what size of images you work with. So a blown up picture has enough pixels. And as a tip for all newbies,... mark/tag all your 365 pictures on your harddrive, to have them easy put together at the end of the year. (Making a book, a collage or whatever.) And, do not forget to back-up your photos. It is always to sad to read, that someones drive crashed, and a lot of memories are lost.
Hope this helps and my broken Englisch is good enough to understand. If not, do not hesitate to get back to me.
January 2nd, 2021
i'm pretty sure there are apps and websites that will let you do things with 100s of pictures...

i think i used this website back in 2012 to make the image below...

although i also have a vague recollection that it was frustrating to use for some reason...

January 2nd, 2021
I use the app Collect-Photo Journal,Diary from App Store to collect the photos every day on my phone or on my ipad.At the end of the month you can make a collage with your pictures or a video.You can store up to 64 photos a month.And at the end of the year I make a collage of the 12 month in Pic Stich
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