what macro lens to buy for my Nikon D7200

January 28th, 2021
I am ready to try macro. I tried a little without macro lens and now ready for the next level. I decided not to go with extension tubes. I can afford about middle of the ground type lens. I figure 100 mm lens 1:1. I also want image stabilizer. I just don't know which ones. Should I go with a non Nikon? I want it mostly for bugs and flowers and object close up. Anything thing else should I consider? Thanks for your suggestions. Kelly
January 29th, 2021
I looked into macro lens for my D7200 last year. Everything I read said the Nikkor 105mm was the best lens. That was beyond my budget but the new style Tamron 90mm with VR also got a lot of excellent reviews so that’s what I bought. I’d definitely say make sure the lens has VR. I managed to get a Tamron 90mm 2nd hand in excellent condition. I’m really pleased with it, however, I would have gone with the Nikkor 105mm if I could have afforded it. Hope this helps. 🙂
January 29th, 2021
@kellymahla I have the sigma 105 on D7200 it's a nice lens and F2.8 it's also good as a prime and some times I use it for astro images as well.
January 29th, 2021
The absolute best value in a Nikon mount Macro lens is the Tokina 100mm F 2.8. They can be purchased used on ebay for a fraction of the cost of the Nikon 105mm. If you mount a set of Kenko extension tubes you will get lifesize and greater, depending on the number of tubes. It is great for a walk about lens, tack sharp, and outstanding build quality.
January 29th, 2021
I disagree that you need VR for true macro images. if you are shooting extreme closeups, you will need to use a tripod. If you are looking to shoot extreme macro, save your money and buy the Tokina, and use the saved money to purchase a macro focusing rail. The depth of field and focus adjustments at this level are so small it is impossible to nail your focus point without a focusing rail. you can use live view and if your camera has it focus peaking. Another good tool is a right angle magnifier for this type of shooting.
January 30th, 2021
Wow! You are sure knowledgeable about macro photography.
I use the Nikon 105 on my Nikon 7200. I have been slow to feel comfortable with macro photography but am getting there.
I do a fair bit of focus stacking now when I want to get good depth of field.
Is a focusing rail a better option than focus stacking for me? What are the pros and cons of each method?
I did this with focus stacking. Each flower on this weed is actually very small.

January 30th, 2021
@kellymahla @brotherone I should clarify why I recommend VR. I like to have the flexibility of not having to always use a tripod and I don't have a very steady hand so personally I find VR invaluable. :)
January 30th, 2021
I have the Tamron 90mm (non-stabilized) and the Irix 150mm. The lack of VR hasn't bothered me much since I usually use a flash. I have an SC-28 cable, so I can just hold a flash near the lens which works pretty well. I also have a Sigma EM-140 macro flash. A flash makes hand holding shots really easy since fast flash duration will keep the image sharp. If you have a little more money, the Nikon R1 flash system is really nice.

Here's a quick sample of my Tamron 90mm on a D7000 with Sigma EM-140 flash.

Just a little warning - the EM-140 is not supported on the Nikon Z series cameras, but it does still work on all Nikon DSLRs (including the D850)
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