Canon Zoom Lens

May 4th, 2021
As the Tamron lens that I am waiting for is not available atm, I am considering getting a Canon 18-200 and a Canon Zoom lens. I know a few of you are using one and would like some feedback please before I make up my mind. I also like the Canon 70-300 but would prefer more reach as I don't want to carry 2 cameras around. Should I just take the Tamron 18-400 back as I have already paid for it? Your input would be much appreciated, thanks.
May 4th, 2021
I use the 18-200 with my Canon 60D and it serves me well both for travel and just walking around. i have the 70-300 but i find that i have to mount the camera on a tripod when using that as you have to have a really steady hand otherwise. i have the Tamron 18-200 lens on my Nikon camera and also works well for both travel and just walking around. but these days, the Olympus mirrorless is more my "everyday" camera as it is much lighter to carry around. in other words, you'll do well with the 18-200, IMHO.
May 4th, 2021
@summerfield Thanks so much Vicki, you sure have a choice of cameras! I am just confused as it is my first real camera, maybe I am also expecting too much. Still hoping for a miracle I suppose 😉
May 4th, 2021
Diana, I don't have your set up exactly, but a few thoughts. I think you may find the Tamron 18-400 a bit of a beast to lug around. I had a Tamron 70-300 for my Canon DSLR and ended up only really using it when I knew I could use a tripod or, for example, was at home or in a vehicle or hide or similar. I certainly wouldn't consider it a carry-around lens. I recently invested in a Canon 70-200 for my EOS R6 and am delighted with it in terms of weight versus performance. I think if I knew I was going on a safari or something like that, I would probably hire a longer lens for the few weeks of the holiday, rather than paying lots to own something that I rarely otherwise use. I don't think there ever is the "perfect choice", but the Canon 70-200 model is popular for a reason.
May 4th, 2021
@peadar Thanks Peter, atm I have a Lumix FZ80 bridge camera with an amazing zoom. I bought a Canon 800 d as I wanted a Lensbaby. I now find the camera much easier to use and I love it. I also bought a 50 mm lens which is great. As I do not want to lug two cameras around, I was hoping to find a one suits all occasions lens. I bought the Tamron 18-400 but was not happy with the reach of the zoom, no detail and too soft. I am hoping to find a solution here. Your input is certainly worth considering, thanks.
May 4th, 2021
@ludwigsdiana Diana, it's just occured to me, early on in my Canon ownership, I bought an EF-S 55-250 (which would suit your APS-C sensor and mount). It's an affordable lens but I have to say I don't think I was ever disappointed with a shot that I made with it - in fact I was happier with it than I was with the Tamron 70-300. You might like to consider it as a day-to-day all purpose lens.
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