Canon G12

March 7th, 2011
I am always playing with the DSLR cameras when I go into a store who has them on display, for one day I will have the money to buy one. But I've found them a little difficult to get the manual controls down, they being so different from my old SLR. Guess I'm looking for something more 'old fashioned'.
Yesterday I found myself with a Canon G12 and fell in love, it made sense.

What I'm curious of is, does anyone else have one? Recommendations, pros/ cons? is this a suitable exchange (or starting place) for a DSLR?

March 7th, 2011
That's more a bridging camera and to me the lens looks small.
For better features at the same kind of price I'd check out the fujii HS10.
March 7th, 2011
I had the A640 for 4 years then and only last month got the G12 for two reasons....1) it has the all important-can't-do-without variable angle screen... (once you've had one you'll know what I mean) ... and 2) its big enough for fab pics and small enough to carry in my baggy pockets or handbag so for everyday, every moment-carrying - it's perfect. I'm still learning all the bells and whistles but so far I'm beside myself.
March 7th, 2011
I had g 11 until two month ago and passed it over to my daughter when I got my first dslr (Canon 550d)
I loved my g11 and I think I got quite good pictures with it. It took me some time to learn how to use it, but I did not know anything about cameras and photography when I started about a year ago. It was very good for street photography which I love very much.
I now have also Canon s90 which is very small , easy to use and get very good pictures even in band light conditions.
March 7th, 2011
@tolpol yeah, it is a kind of a bridging camera, but i'm hoping it could be a step towards the right direction, and someday I'll have a DSLR too. It does have some interchangeable lenses.
But I'm a Canon girl, and it's hard to kick the habit. Have had 2, currently using the SX110
@thebluegnu the size is one of the things that I like, silly, I know seeing I do want to get a DSLR.
@yoelao the low light setting pulled me in since I like to use natural light, and indoors can be hard sometimes.

March 7th, 2011
I don't own a G12, but I've definitely used one and I loved it. I like it because it's something I can carry around when it's not practical to take my dSLR and lenses, but it still gives me the manual control and quality I want. @tolpol has a good point, though. Something like the Fuji HS10 definitely has a larger lens but I haven't actually used one myself.
March 7th, 2011
I have a Canon S90, which is like a more compact version of a Canon G series. They're great cameras! You won't regret it.
March 7th, 2011
I have one and I love it. I use this only if I can't bring my DSLR and it serves it's purpose. I still find myself wanting to use the DSLR more because that's what I'm used to.
March 15th, 2011
The G12 is really an excellent camera with a few known limitations coming from the sensor and lens. There are many pro reviews and worth the read. I never just use it in auto mode, mostly program and manual. It has great manual controls that are intuitive.

I have used Canon DSLRs and I purchased a Panasonic GF2. While the 7D or 60D will surpass the G12, the Panny GF2 was not much better than the G12 in low light and the Canon white balance is more accurate without using flash. I also have an S95, but I find that I get better shots with the G12 perhaps due to stability of a larger body.

While the video mode is limited in terms of inability to optically zoom, the quality of the video you can take is very good and it is still easy enough to turn the dial to video and back to picture modes.

It is very substantial and easier to carry than a DSLR or Micro 4/3. You will not go wrong with the G12 and it will hold it's value.
March 21st, 2011
I just bought a G12 today far i love it. i love that everything i've learnt on my SLR won't be lost when using this one. Plus i think i'll be able to take more pictures than ever before with it being so light and easy to carry. No regrets from me...
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