New Camera, need advice

October 10th, 2022
Hello fellow 365ers! I started my project many years ago, and I'm trying to get back into the swing of posting (not daily, alas), but I have acquired a new camera (the Sony a7rii), and I'm scrambling to learn the best focal settings for a photo shoot I'll have next weekend with an engaged couple. I have a 35mm Zeiss prime lens for the shoot and I have a light kit to work with in case the lighting is uneven, but I really want to use the new camera for this shoot.

I have been a Canon user (7DMII) for many years, so my switch to a new system has me a little intimidated. (I will take my trusted Canon to the photo shoot as well.)

If anyone has experience working with this Sony camera and using the best focal settings for the shoot (eye tracker especially with two people in the frame), I would love your input. I'm excited to have a full-frame mirrorless camera.

Oh, and additionally, I am going to finally bite the bullet and get Adobe Cloud LR at the very least. My LR5 won't work with the Sony as far as I can tell, and it's time to enter the 21st century with editing! Is there anything I should be on the lookout for as regards having the new cloud-based editing merge with my current (and messy) LR catalogues?

Any and all help is welcomed. Thank you in advance for any recommendations you may have!

Daryl :)
October 10th, 2022
no advice, but wanted to wish you congrats on the new gear! i had a sony some years ago and never came to love it, but many other photogs do, and the zeiss lenses are awesome...

wishing you all the best with it - and nice to see you back!
October 10th, 2022
@northy thank you! I want to love it. So I'm willing it at the moment. :) Good to be back!
October 10th, 2022
I moved from Nikon to Son about 5 years ago and haven't looked back
October 10th, 2022
Sony do awesome cameras , you won't be disappointed . Is the Zeiss 35mm the Zeiss Loxia F2.0 35mm Lens? That's a manual focus lens . I have loads of manuals focus lenses in my collection , including the loxia ( others are my vintage lenses ) . Doing a photoshoot with a manual focus lens will force you to work slower . If it is auto focus then utilise the eye autofocus option as this is awesome .
35 mm may be a tad wide if you are looking to do portrait headshots , great for full length , mid length , reportage style shooting . Good luck.
October 11th, 2022
Hi Daryl, nice to see you back. I have been Sony user for a long time and they seem to produce some decent results. They are very clever bits of kit, with some amazing abilities. I only have an original A7, (still going strong), I mostly use A77s or A99mk2 with zoom lens for my subjects, as I rarely photograph people. Apart from a 100mm macro lens and a 50mm I have hardly used a prime lens with any of the bodies.
Maybe something to look at if you only have that 35 mm lens, is to investigate the inbuilt zoom feature in the camera. You can set it up to work from the buttons on the back, it takes a little bit of practice but soon becomes second nature.
The sensor is extremely good, and quite capable of producing lovely images in low light / high ISOs.
Have fun, I think you will be delighted with your choice of new camera.
October 11th, 2022
Congratulations— check this link,it might or not help.. 🤔🥰
October 11th, 2022
@phil_howcroft not manual focus. 1.4 aperture. Image stability is in camera not lens
October 11th, 2022
@markp Thanks Mark! I have all week to get this all set up!
October 11th, 2022
@joemuli Thank you Joey!
October 11th, 2022
@jgpittenger thanks for your help! Talk soon!
October 11th, 2022
I always loved my Sonys. My only recommendation would be to go out and shoot with it beforehand. I had a new camera when my nephew got married. The card must not have been seated correctly and it didn't record a single photo. I have since disabled the ability to do that. Now, the camera will give me an error message if it is not recording.
October 11th, 2022
@danette thank you Danette! I have been practicing all week, but I need a couple of models to help me in the next few days, which I think I can get. I will have my Canon with me for the shoot as backup. I just bought the Adobe Creative Cloud. Now working on backing up all my photos before I try to upgrade from LR5 to the new system! I'm having a heart attack a minute! Ha!
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