Exposure Plot

December 6th, 2023
I saw a post today (on Reddit) showing a graph of what focal lengths a person had used on their camera (zoom lens).

Turns out they created this with software called ExposurePlot which pulls data from the jpg files in a folder. Looking at their web site, it appears to be freeware.

Does anybody here have any experience with this? It looks kind of interesting, though I’m not sure what the “so what?” Point is.

December 8th, 2023
@lsquared - I haven't seen ExposurePlot before, but I have done something kinda similar. I created a database for my daily photos, which includes the EXIF data from each photo. So I can query my focal lengths, shutter speeds, apertures, ISOs, light values among other things.

So here’s my data from over 7,000 days of photo-a-day.

Focal length
Range: 8mm to 1260mm
Most used: 1. 50mm 2. 90mm 3. 135mm

Shutter speeds
Range: 1/8000 to 1200 seconds
Most used: 1. 1/60 2. 1/80 3. 1/100

Range: f/1.2 to f/113
Most used: 1. f/1.8 2. f/2.8 3. f/5.6

Range: 16 to 65535
Most used: 1. 100 2. 200 3. 400

Light Value (EV)
Range: -7.9 to 17.6
Most used: 1) 11.9 2) 5.3 3) 4.3

I found that EV range pretty interesting. My -7.9 EV photo is of the milky way galaxy, and my 17.6 EV photo is of the Venus transit across the sun. 25.5 stop difference between the two photos, or 47 million times more light.

It's fun to view. Ross has access to EXIF across all the photos in the site (at least from those who didn’t strip it) so he could run queries like this across the full user base. That could be interesting to view.
December 8th, 2023
@sudweeks that’s really cool, love the two examples. Do you manually enter the info into the database, or have a way to query it?
December 8th, 2023
@lsquared - When I edit my photos for my photo-a-day, I export them to my home server, and I have a script that pulls out the exif data and adds all that information into a local database. I then have a local webpage I created, where I add my description and tags to each photo, then it queues them up to be automatically posted to the couple websites I post my project to.
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