I Need Help Photographing the Moon...

March 20th, 2011
I have been trying to capture the moon for months with no such luck . I have a Canon Rebel EOS xs 1000D I'm not sure what settings to have it on last night I spent 2 hours trying every setting with no success. I have friends who have simple little digital cameras and they can get shots of the moon...I'm so frustrated ...If anyone has a camera like mine and knows how to get a shot of the moon please help !!! Thank you :)
March 20th, 2011
Oh, I am as you. I have an EOS D 1000D and made my first try yesterday. I think that it has to deceive with the objective. I have one 18-200 and think that it is not sufficient(self-important). When I look at the parameters of the persons which have beautiful photos of the moon, it is at least 300. Of what do you think of it ??
March 20th, 2011
I'm thinking why did I spend money on an expensive camera if I can't shoot a subject that someone else can with a $150 camera !!! I have another lens that is better I tried both last night neither worked both just gave me an orb like object on every setting. I tried changing the ISO still no results. I have no idea Libellula :)
March 20th, 2011
It took me a lot of terrible shots before I figured out how to get a decent shot last night! I'm sure I could still do better, but I still don't know how to use a lot of the settings. I set my shutter to the fastest possible (1/4000) and used a remote, to try to cut down on shake. I also used my 300 mm lens.
March 20th, 2011
What lens do you have? The top end of my 300mm got it, but I had to crop severely to make it a decent size. If you end up taking it as it rises when its yellow then I found my camera (caNON 450D) just got a yellow orb. If you wait until its higher in the sky then you should be able to get it. My exif info is:
Exposure: 0.1 sec (1/10)
Aperture: f/22.0
ISO Speed: 100
Focal Length: 300 mm

Turn your auto focus OFF otherwise the camera will just keep trying to focus ad you'll get nowhere. Manual focus on the moon, or auto focus once then switch to manual.
Hope this helps, there are several other discussions on this. And some amazing moon shots. Have a look at their exif info too, which is what I did. Good luck!

oo heres the result:

March 20th, 2011
oh yes, and I used a tripod and remote release cable...
March 20th, 2011
I was shaking a little bc I was freezing after trying for 2 hours LOL I used a EFS 55-250mm lens and tried with my 18-55mm ...not sure if I know how to change my shutter speed maybe that's the problem.
March 20th, 2011

was taken with at 1600ISO, f8.0, and 1/2000. maybe something there can help you. i also use the 2second self timer function to eliminate shake.
March 20th, 2011
I have the Canon XSi/450D and the 55-250mm lens and I have gotten some great moon shots.

Here is a sample on my Flickr page: Moon Pics

I use a tripod, a remote and always shoot in manual. My exif data is available on my photos. I use autofocus without any issue.

March 20th, 2011
I took this last night. This was the best one out of about 50 photos. First, you'll need a tripod and 2nd zoom in as close as you can and set your lens to manual focus and then obviously, focus it. Now I opened up my lens as much as I could so I could have a fast shutter speed to cut down on blur. For me the settings were f7.1 and shutter at was at 1/400 and the iso was 200. Lastly if you don't have a remote shutter use the timer, that way you pressing the down on the shutter button won't cause blur.

March 20th, 2011
I too have a 1000D and got this one:

Tripod, as big a zoom as possible and manual focus is important if you ask me. Except from that look at the exif data of some moon shots you like and start there. If it becomes to dark or bright try different shutter settings.

A good idea too is to lock the mirror in your camera while shooting the moon. I forgot to do it yesterday though :-S
March 20th, 2011
I have an old Canon S5 and after a lot of trial and error this was my best shot last night.

This is what is under the Exif info on my shot.
Exposure: 0.0025 sec (1/400)
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO Speed: 80
Focal Length:
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011

I used a tripod, set camera to Manual, ISO 100, 1/125sec f/11. Manual focus.
March 20th, 2011
Thanks everyone I will try all the ideas next time we have a full moon...maybe someday I will have an awesome shot just like all these amazing ones shared on here ...great job to you all and thanks for the help :)
March 20th, 2011
What here is what I was able to make but it is not terrible otherwise look on my at project 365 by zooming less it is a little better put always not brilliant
March 20th, 2011
there are some amazing pictures on here... i went out to get some pictures of the moon last night and just ended up really frustrated with my camera. Thanks for all of the advice!
March 20th, 2011
@barbarakim "I'm thinking why did I spend money on an expensive camera if I can't shoot a subject that someone else can with a $150 camera !!!" -- You can have the most expensive camera in the world, but if you don't know how to work it, it's useless ;)

Like many others said... manual exposure, telephoto, and tripod.

D300 w/ 70-300mm lens.
Shot at 300mm
iso 200

there some things I was going to correct, but last night it was cloudy so I couldn't try again.
March 20th, 2011

Mine was done on manual focus also. I did not use a tripod, and this was taken out of my bedroom window. I do prop the lens up against the window but didnt let it set there solely. Exposure 1/5 and F40 This was taken with a 300 zoom lens and 2x digital zoom.
March 21st, 2011
@hmgphotos I agree I know I need to figure out all my setting on my camera I bought it in Sept and never owned a nice camera before :) Thanks for the feedback !!!!
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