365 and a Smile

March 21st, 2011
So, I've been stupidly busy lately - working a fulltime job and freelancing at least 2 websites a month, family, church, etc, etc. Geesh.

On one hand, it really sucks because I barely have time to be as active as I'd like here. I havent been able to comment on the people I am following, or even back to my own photos comments. Heck, there was a probably 2 week stretch i didnt even upload a photo because I literally was working from what was, in essence, 8am - 1am.

Then there is the other hand.
That hand being this Sunday evening, where I have no freelance work, my child is away and my wife is having to take care of some things. I have a small glass of scotch, some Joe Purdy on in the background, and I am going back through and visiting the photostream of every person that is following me.

This is the hand that reminds me how much I love this place. It's just great and it brings a smile to my face.

And that being said, I just want to let those that I follow, and that follow me, that I really appreciate you viewing and commenting on my photos, even when I tend to not have the time as of late to respond. You guys are super awesome, and know that any chance I can get to slip into the world of 365, I do.

And I love every minute of it :)
March 21st, 2011
Such a nice sentiment :) enjoy your free quiet evening!
March 21st, 2011
life comes first we all understand that :) and it sounds like your extremely busy with life. The sentiment shown is enough for me. As SPace said enjoy your free quiet evening it sounds as if it was well earned
March 21st, 2011
Life sometimes takes over, huh? All of us totally understand how busy we get sometimes, but don't fret...your 365 friends are a forgiving bunch. We'll take whatever you have time to give. In the meantime, enjoy your life, your family, and whatever else occupies your time, then take a picture for us whenever you can.
March 21st, 2011
It's definitely tough to keep up sometimes... I know I go through periods where I'm lucky to get a shot, nevermind get it posted and comment on others' photos. I hope you enjoy your nice, relaxing evening catching up!
March 21st, 2011
I can relate!! My life is always so crazy, I just do the best I can with this project. :) I don't have a lot of time to comment on pictures either but most seem to be very understanding. Thank you for the nice comment and I hope you enjoy your quiet 365 time!
March 21st, 2011
Well, that put a smile on my face too. Enjoy your evening - and your regular busy life, also. I love this site as well and all my fellow photogs I've "met" on here. The creativity is bountiful and I look forward to seeing what appears in my photo stream every day. :) Thanks for the post, Jesse!
March 21st, 2011
That's nice! Glad you had a less busy evening.
March 21st, 2011
oh in the same boat!!
March 21st, 2011
Thanks Jesse for the kind words. We all understand how busy life can be. I'm thankful that you post and share your photos with all of us. You are a wonderful photographer with a big heart. The love you capture and express in your photos always make me smile. You make the world a brighter place
March 21st, 2011
glad you got a chance to sit back and relax with some scotch and some 365. That is a good combo my friend.
March 21st, 2011
Life takes over for all of us, from time-to-time... But good taste in music and drinks, too! :)
March 21st, 2011
Life and family have to come first and we all know that. I love your work and it is great to hear from you and know you are well and to see a shot once in a while. Take care x
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