
April 1st, 2011
I know everyone seems to be posting stuff like this at the moment...... but I like starting discussions so I am going to do this anyway. :D

Just to let y'all know that Greg is still taking his photos every day.. just not uploading as often at the moment. Very very busy, blah blah blah, no time to do it at the moment, exams all this week and next week, boiler broken (resulting in having to drive a mile for hot water: waaaaaaah.) general lack of success in life in general, plus the whole confusingness of relationships and all that jazz.. you know the drill.

I am very sure that nobody wants to hear my life story *again* so I mostly just thought I'd say that much Gregification will be forthcoming just as soon as I can find the time to sit down and sort it all out. (I would like to add here that I am *not* looking for sympathy - more to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.. and if I have, then I am most certainly coming back just as soon as I can afford the bus fare, so don't think you have got rid of me yet!!)

Also: I love reading all your awesome comments and things and every time I get a comment/crazy internet stalker/new follower I get very very happy and do a short dance routine to express my feelings.

N.B. Extreme exaggeration may have just occurred.

Thank you - that will be all.

Except.. What is this..? A never-seen-before-and-never-likely-to-be-seen-again-on-the-internet photo?? A never-seen-before-and-never-likely-to-be-seen-again-on-the-internet photo of *Greg The Duck*, no less?? And... Woah. Drum roll please....... It *even* includes me. (For those who don't know this: I have an absolute horror of most (all) photos of myself. I refuse to appear in my own 365 project simply because I don't like it. There isn't even a shadow or reflection or anything.. I do my utmost to remove all that annoying shimozzle from the composition of my photos. So posting a photo of me on here is making my face look a little bit like this: O_O because I am not entirely sure why I am doing it.)

Dayum. You must be thinking there have been alcohol or other drugs involved here.. well I must confess that I am stone cold sober. I just felt like uploading this today. Much thankage must go to Mr Steven Burbidge ( @sburbidge ) and Mr Ady Woods
( @woodsy999 ) for creating this fabulous work of photographism, and if we're going to be picky then I believe copyrights etc belong to Mr Burbidge .. I hope that is ok.

In other news: I do recommend that you follow these two guys as their photographical skills are fairly high up on the scale of awesomeness, *and* they are two very lovely handsome chaps. However - shameless random ego boost time is over guys, sorry.

Anyhoo.. long rambly post time is also over, sorry. I'm not sorry, actually. You probably haven't even read this far. :sadface:


If you managed to read this far without falling asleep/throwing up/breaking your computer/running away/screaming/sending me hate mail/crying then I applaud you. I will be sending you a box of cookies in the post as a souvenir of this momumental achievement.

DISCLAIMER: I won't really. I can't afford it, and I don't know where you live.
April 1st, 2011
Love you, Love Greg - already following the boys....hope things sort themselves out soon! x
April 1st, 2011
LOL. You always make me chuckle! You are a cutie too! Greg is a lucky duck! =)
April 1st, 2011
I will be Greg's faithful follower no matter how often he uploads his photos. Hope life in general starts going better. I look forward to many more photos of Greg the Duck!
April 1st, 2011 said cookies!! I want chocolate chip. Not fair. I would even give you my address. So what if I live in the U.S. and it would cost a ton of money to mail the cookies, and they would probably be stale and icky before they got here. They would be from Kate and Greg. Pffft. Bummer. OK. I shall keep loving you and Greg. Actually, never stopped. I have been so absent lately that I can only hope that a few people will continue to love me too. :) P.S. You are absolutely adorable.
April 1st, 2011
Read it all! That is an extraordinarily awesome photo, and I'm glad you are in it!
April 1st, 2011
LOL...I'll msg you my address for my cookies. I prefer Thin Mints or whatever they call them these days from the Girl Scouts ;) OH and specially delivered by Greg personally.
April 1st, 2011
lol greg fan for life
April 1st, 2011
Yay, the photographer is no longer faceless! Great shot :) "Greg Meets a Pretty Girl."
April 1st, 2011
lol! you are one funny, i mean greg, that is. keep it up, kiddo.
April 1st, 2011
You take a great photo don't be embarrased about it. You & Greg will be missed but take the time to get things sorted out, prioritise is the key.
April 1st, 2011
(: I love Thin Mints and/or chocolate chip cookies! Good to see you and Greg!
April 1st, 2011
Nice to see that Greg and yourself are still about, life hey. It will sort it self out, and good luck with those exams!!
I believe @sburbidge is planning another norfolk365ers meet sometime soon, hope you can find the time to get out and join us.

PS don't forget to bring the cookies with you!!!
April 1st, 2011
PPS a great photo, great composition, rule of thirds fit nicely, excellent lighting along with some fabulous framing, oh and two great characters!!!
April 1st, 2011
April 1st, 2011
@eyebrows ....?!
April 1st, 2011
April 1st, 2011
@eyebrows O_o
April 1st, 2011
You're in a photo! Are you sure you're feeling ok? :p
April 1st, 2011
@eyebrows I don't know.. I think I might need some help! I just don't know what's going on any more... It's crazy! ;P
April 1st, 2011
@petersonsheri @arrayofblues @ca_dev - What is it with these Thin Mint things? We don't have them here, not as far as I know. We also don't have girl scouts, and I haven't seen any English equivalent (rainbows,brownies,guides,cubs,scouts,etc) selling cookies. Perhaps you should be mailing me cookies instead? :P However, if you keep loving Greg so much then perhaps there will be some boxes of cookies heading in your direction..

@minxymissk @summerfield @georgia81 @laceyjogautreau @lolanae @dawnie - Thank you, I am so glad you will still be here when I *finally* get round to doing a crazy mass upload.. *and* I am massively impressed that anybody read to the end of that!! :O

@loztsoul - Do you have a t-shirt with that on? Should I get you one? :P

@chamrick - :blushface: I can't believe I just posted that..! Being a faceless photographer was rather fun.. but I do have a profile pic of me (with the craziest eyebrows!) so I suppose I shouldn't be making such a big deal of all this. Thank you :D

@woodsy999 - Thank you very much :) I look forward to it.. although surely it should be @pete21 supplying the cookies? He was very good at it last time..!!! Also, I believe you have yourself and Steven to thank for the awesome photo; I just posed for a while!!!
April 1st, 2011
@katiegc24 - i read boring agreements in my job, why not your funny posts? actually, i was massively impressed, too, with myself that i read the post to the end. well, there was greg's photo in the hands of a beautiful young lass as an incentive, and just two more lines after that, so why not? now, where's me cookies? hahahaha!
April 1st, 2011
@summerfield :blushface:
April 1st, 2011
She actually does do a dance... One day, I might post a video! ;)

And yeahh, the hot water thing is major annoyance... :/
April 1st, 2011
I don't do cookies.

But if everyone would like to visit my website and put your orders in I'll be billing Greg (or @katiegc24 in his absence)!!!!!

(disclaimer all offers made are nul and void at time of checkout) LOL
April 1st, 2011
@pete21 :O charging me for everyone else's cookies....? :O shocking. Fine, I'll bring cookies next time :D
April 1st, 2011
@katiegc24 No, I was offering sweets to the WHOLE 365 community ;-P
April 1st, 2011
@pete21 But at my expense.. No?
April 1st, 2011
@katiegc24 lol I don't but I would wear one and take a photo haha
April 1st, 2011
@katiegc24 I'll bring some freebies to the next meet - what's your favourite sweets?
(no chocolate!!!!!)
April 1st, 2011
great Greg
April 1st, 2011
You know where I live. I expect cookies.

(Tis a nice photo btw :D)
April 1st, 2011
Also, aren't our 'thin mints' known as After Eights?

And, there is another photo of you floating about. I uploaded it. Muahahah!

(It's on that thread about friends from a while back... maybe I'll post it again for the lulz :P)
April 1st, 2011
Kate, great idea for you!! You need to make "Everyone Loves Greg" T-shirts! How awesome would that be!! Get together with your college buddies and put your heads together and figure it out. They would sell like crazy. :)
April 2nd, 2011
@mizikei OHHHH is *that* what they're on about??? Hrm.. yeah they are fairly awesome..

Don't post the photos of me on here :( I don't like photos of me :(

@petersonsheri What 'college buddies' ? Haha it would be awesome...
if it were possible. :( like the t-shirt thing though :P
April 2nd, 2011
@lmasinton Thank you :D :D :D

@manek43509 Your face is a major annoyance.
April 2nd, 2011
what if we mailed greg cookies. lol
April 2nd, 2011
@georgia81 well that would be pretty good, Greg likes cookies :D feel free to send as many cookies as you like! :P
April 3rd, 2011
I have no addy for him. lol
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