Style? What style?

April 2nd, 2011
Hi all...I'm pretty new here but I was looking at my project just now and thinking how I don't have a "style" like so many other photographers on this site. A lot of times, I can just look at the photo and by the color/composition/exposure, etc. I know exactly who it belongs to! It's like one day I'm inspired to take portraits, the next day architecture, the next day flowers, some black and white, some exploding with color, and so forth. Though portrait photography is my ultimate passion, I feel like my tastes change on a whim and I just photograph whatever I find interesting at the moment without "a focus". Is this normal or do I have PADD (photography attention deficit disorder). :) Happy weekend!
April 2nd, 2011
You have a style - you just don't realize it yet :)
April 2nd, 2011
Like you Annie! Your photos are all so soft and a fluffy blanket I want to take to bed with me! Ok that sounded weird, but you know what I mean. Is "indecisive" a style? hahahah
April 2nd, 2011
just stay true to what drives you and the rest will work itself out:) my passion is my kids so 99% of my photos are may not be the most exciting thing in this community but it is what my heart tells my camera to shoot:)
April 2nd, 2011
My project is all over the place when it comes to style. I do each day's shot to suit my likes for that day.
April 2nd, 2011
HAHA are you making advances towards my photos? :P
But thanks :) heh, if you check out the earlier pictures, you'll see how my style has developed in the past year. It just takes practice, patience and passion :)
April 2nd, 2011
I let the day unfold and my shot comes to me, most of the time. My stuff is everywhere too. I think a style comes from how one post processes things. Keep shooting and playing and your style will come. Maybe it already has and you don't see it yet. :0)
April 2nd, 2011
I'm the same way. Mine is a complete jumble. Apparently I have PADD too so don't feel alone! Unfortunately, being so random also makes it extremely difficult to decide on lenses to purchase, because I can't very well buy them all!
April 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones @4stories @positronicmommy @cfitzgerald @snowangel
Thanks u guys...I feel better now :) As a teacher and a mom of 2 little, little ones, kids are my passion too but I am SO inspired by SO many different things. Maybe it's just like my ipod on shuffle going from gangsta rap to Kenny Roggers and on to Metallica. I'm a confused soul!
April 2nd, 2011
Just remember variety is the spice of life! LOL!
April 2nd, 2011
I don't know about you, but I'm in such a learning phase I feel like I need to try so many things before I'll know who I am behind the camera. I don't feel attention defecit addled. I feel fascinated by the whole world that I'm seeing in new ways behind the lense.
April 2nd, 2011
I just made a very similar post not that long ago. I think some of us have a lot to express in a lot of different ways. I'm not sure I want to "limit" myself to one style per say. Not that anyone who has a specific style is wrong... I tend to gravitate towards people who DO have one style. However, for me in my process of growing as a photographer, I can't limit myself to just one "thing". Just play and have fun! :)
April 2nd, 2011
So, I kind of feel the same way about my photos, I have pics of kids, nature and lots of random other things, no recognizable style in my opinion, but I think what I realized is that everything I photograph has a certain depth of beauty (to me) I love capturing beautiful things and precious moments, so even though it may seem like a bunch of random pics to some, I know that each one is a thing of beauty that I have wanted to capture and remember forever.
April 2nd, 2011
I don't think I really have a style either. Although I have had other people say they can pick photos out of a line-up. But, I don't see it! LoL Maybe it just happens naturally at some point??? Either way, your photos are great!
April 2nd, 2011
I don't feel like I have a style yet. I may and I may just not know it. I have mood, bird, flower, building, animal shots. I may settle down on one style. I do not know yet. Perhaps our styles change over time. Lots to think about (and to enjoy).
April 2nd, 2011
I have PADD too, but I especially like to use this site for trying new things, so I think that's why mine have lots of variations at times. I hope to nail down a style more w/ my professional work b/c I know my clients don't want big surprises. But 365 is whatever you want to do with it right?
April 2nd, 2011
I agree...I don't really have a style, I just take photos of what I that a style?? My daughter is usually the is the beach...maybe I do have a style!!
April 2nd, 2011
hi...for what it is worth...i started photography on day one of this project, it was not until day 172 and thousands of shots that i find what moved me most (street portraits). what moves me most might not be what i am best at, but because i am so moved and inspired by shooting street people i seem to gravitate there. try to see what moves you most. i looked at some of your shots, you have some great talent..i am going to head back now and look some more
April 2nd, 2011
You are so kind and I truly appreciate your thoughtful comments! I'm gonna save them in a jar and pull them out when I'm feeling down on my pics. :)
Just starting to check out your street photog! Sick! (in a good way of course)
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