FESTIVAL OF THE DESERT: music and photography lovers dream

April 4th, 2011
I have two albums, one is '365' called Pomegranite, in which I post my most current shots. The other is my 365, which I started at the time of losing my camera so used it to review my travel shots... My current uploads to this focuses on Burkina Faso in West Africa. Some commenters want to know about the music there. The best place to see West African Music is at the Festival of the Desert, 3 & half hours from Timbuctu in Mali. It is visually and musically extraordinary. Even if only one person looks at this and adds it to their list of places to go before they die, then it will have been worth putting this up. I hope there will be more: This 2 part Video will give you a bit more background on it. The 14 year old Tuareg boy, Abdullah in this is just extraordinarily moving, but I met a lot of Abdullah's in that part of the world. As well as seeing that the Festival of the Desert would be a photographers and music lovers dream, these two videos are beautiful, heart-warming and life affirming. I hope you enjoy them.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e_JrozuOyI&NR=1&feature=fvwp Music of Des Fest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-gJVO1wn7w&NR=1&feature=fvwp part two.

April 4th, 2011
Thanks for this Marinda. And thanks for drawing my attention to this country. I must confess that despite having read several books about various countries in Africa recently, I didn't even know of this country's existence. We have refugees from quite a variety of African nations living here in Boise. One, who is employed by the local ski area, is from Burundi. I didn't know where THAT country was either, so I've had to check out a map. There is always more to learn.

I feel huge sympathy for this poor African refugees who land in my small city which I have often referred to as "Whitebread USA" for its lack of diversity. And for an African to work at a SKI area, of all places! I simply can't imagine the adjustments these poor people have had to endure.
April 5th, 2011
Enjoy them i did. Beautiful on so many levels. Thank you Miranda.
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