bug help, please?

April 20th, 2011
i've recently become obsessed with bugs. there are some amazing macro photogs on here, and i know my photos aren't nearly as good as theirs, but i've become sooo fascinated by the whole world of tiny creatures that i never noticed before!

whenever i post a photograph, i always research to try to figure out what kind of plant or insect it is. but a couple of insects that i've posted in the past couple of days have stumped me. please help me identify these guys!

thanks, in advance =)

April 20th, 2011
top image is a "stink bug", or in scientific names, it belongs to the insect Order Hemiptera, Family Pentatomidae. The bottom image is not an insect, it is an arachnid.
April 20th, 2011
eww. i didnt know stink bugs came in green. the brown ones are icky enough!
April 20th, 2011
@miforth2004 a stinkbug??? thanks! LOL, and i thought i had found some rare exotic bug =P wow, i read your profile, and you are a REAL bug expert! does my arachnid look like a lynx or a boxer spider? he seems to have similar legs, but the lynx photos that i've seen have different eyes and the boxers have different bodies.
anyway, thanks for your help, and welcome to 365!

@genesislomax i guess stinkbugs are pretty common, huh? i can't believe i've never seen one before. i'm glad i didn't piss him off. i read online that they can be pretty stinky =P
April 20th, 2011
@chistiq, yes, if you have any questions regarding insects, feel free to ask me. I can't promise an accurate ID all the time, but I'll let you know when I'm not 100% positive. As far as arachnids go, I have no expertise except squashing them lol. Good luck on the ID!
April 20th, 2011
I have no idea what that spider is...but boy it's got eyes.
April 20th, 2011
You can ask http://www.whatsthatbug.com . They have been very helpful telling me what my little critters are!

Otherwise, see if you can get the attention of @robv here, he's great at this! :)
April 20th, 2011
I'm with carebear...what'sthatbug is an amazing site
April 20th, 2011
Bottom one is a lynx Spider, Family Oxyopidae. That is a male because it has the enlarged pedipalps that are used in mating( the leg-like structures on either side of the front of the cephalothorax ).
April 20th, 2011
@miforth2004 LOL! i don't like squishing spiders because they have such "fleshy" bodies. bleccch! thanks again for your help =)
@swilde i think i read that these guys have 6 (or 8?) eyes. eek!
@carebear thanks for referring robv. you were right -- he IS a wealth of knowledge =)
@shutterbugger i'll check out whatsthatbug. sounds like it could be hours of entertainment for me =P
@robv hooray, mystery solved! thank you so much for the ID. now my skin is crawling from looking at so many lynx spiders online!
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