Do you have a website for your photography?

July 13th, 2011
If you display your photography on another website besides this one, what do you use? What do you like/dislike? How much? I'm wondering if most use Facebook because it's free? I'm looking for the best way to share my little photography business online.

Post a link to your website so I can check it out.
July 13th, 2011

i started a smugmug, and i really like it. there is a two week free trial, and at the end i decided to definitely keep mine. the membership i got allowed me to drop the smugmug from the domain name. i find it really easy to use, so that was a major pull for me. i tried a zenfolio free trial, but honestly, i didn't find it that easy to use (for me, that is not saying much, i'm not what you would call a computer wizard), and immediately knew i didn't want one of those. however, you can do a free trial on there, too.
July 13th, 2011
I'm just in the middle of building mine. I'm having a few problems with galleries but hopefully should be up soon. Opinions welcomed as I'll be testing shortly.
July 13th, 2011!/pages/Annie-Charalambous-Photography/242113322482061

I made a fb page after feeling like I was spamming some of my "friends" (people from school that I should probably just get it over with and delete) by posting on my own profile. Though now it's kind of nice to have people choose to see them :)

Also Flickr
July 13th, 2011
@richjane77 I really like your website. The overall design, is that the standard template, or did you choose it? I really like the simplicity.

I could tell it's under construction. When I clicked on people, it took me to the places page. And when I clicked places it took me to the about me section. When the website is done, it will be great!

So if I were interested in starting my own, start at

Thank you!
July 13th, 2011
@sweett It's a paid for theme called photorific ($30). I really like the design but I would warn that it has had me and two other designers stumped for about a month. The guy who wrote the theme is now looking into it for me. Very frustrating.

I'm new to wordpress having worked with Dreamweaver alot previously. It's fairly easy but a bit alien to me. If you're new to web design then it should be fairly straightforward.

Buy some space, download wordpress and off you go!
July 13th, 2011
I have a DeviantArt account. :-)
July 13th, 2011
July 13th, 2011
I considered building my own website from scratch, but I abandoned that midway through and just got a blogspot forwarded to my own domain. I think having a website to show you work really helps, especially if you plan on selling or starting a business. I don't, but I like having a place that people can easily go to see my stuff.

And then I have a blog of my photography here:

July 13th, 2011
Facebook is a great way to get word of mouth and publicity. I think you probably need a quality site for showing off a portfolio though: I use smugmug, and there is zenfolio and I guess others. You can buy a domain name for $10 or so and have it point to your smugmug/zenfolio page, then have that link in your facebook page.
July 13th, 2011
I thought if you posted pics on facebook that fb then had claim on the copyright? For that reason I don't post my best pics on there
July 13th, 2011 is mine for wedding photography
July 13th, 2011
I have a website... but I'm still building it (using php and mySQL), so it's secret for now. xD
July 13th, 2011
July 14th, 2011
I use a customised template design by CMD.
July 14th, 2011
I used wordpress for mine, still fairly new to wordpress.
July 14th, 2011
This is my site:

It's powered by wordpress, I'm still not 'fluent' with it, but I've mostly figured it out, been using it a little over a month now. I'm thinking of making a Facebook page, but right now I'll just stick with my blog site.
July 14th, 2011
@mrse Wow I had no idea! That's good to know.
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