Looking To Buy A DSLR Camera, help?

August 3rd, 2011
ive been looking at lots of Digital SLR camera's as i need a camera and i keep using my mums for pictures, from advice i've been given people say that DSLR cameras are better quality and better at taking pictures rather than normal digital cameras. i live in the UK so are there any stores,brands or cameras in specific i should start taking a look at? thanks guys :) !!
August 3rd, 2011
@sophielouise98 You would have to hold and try various camera's to find the one you like. There seems to be a big Nikon/Canon divide. I had a Canon point and shoot but after talking to a lot of people and asking around I bought a Nikon dslr, i love it but it is a very personal choice.
Ive found that some of the best prices are on Amazon UK, when you decide what camera you want do an online search for the best prices.
Hope you find your dream camera soon x
August 3rd, 2011
@tori3012 yeah ive found that Nikon and Canon are very popular, thankyou very much for your advice! and i'll check out amazon now, thanks again! x
August 3rd, 2011
You can always get a bridge camera that takes great pix for around $300 USD which is a lot less than a DSLR. I am really happy with mine, and I can go full-on manual if I choose, and I also get pretty good macro shots. I have a Panasonic Lumix FZ35. I think it's cool to be able to get macro or zoom to 18x w/o changing my lens. Just a thought for your consideration.

BTW, if I were buying a DSLR, I would choose a Nikon. :-)
August 3rd, 2011
@sophielouise98 They have special deals with limited stock on some cameras at very good prices. I was interested in an upgrade and i couldnt decide whether to be really naughty and buy it, by the time i had messed around deciding they had all gone and it was back to the original price.
August 3rd, 2011
@5unflow3r ive been looking at both Bridge and DSLR camera's an they both seem pretyy good, as it would be first camera i wouldnt go for an expensive camera so maybe a bridge camera is the option? thanks for your help:)
August 3rd, 2011
@tori3012 aw i hate it when that happens! but thanks for the ideaill have a look at the prices!
August 3rd, 2011
best thing to do is go to somewhere to play with them (even if your not going to buy it there) to get a good feel for it.
August 3rd, 2011
Looks like you've had some great feedback already . I agree with Myla that you should go to the stores and hold them and play around with them to get a feel for which you like. Some of the people I follow on here don't use DSLR's though, (I use my Nikon and a little point and shoot Olympus) and their photos are just as good so maybe you shouldn't rule out a bridge camera either :)
August 3rd, 2011
@myla @kdrinkie thats definitely the best idea so ill probably do that and decide on the best i like and suck up to my mum and dad for christmas ;) but thanks for all the advice everyone! ive got an idea of what i'd like my camera to be like now :-D
August 3rd, 2011
I got a Canon Eos 500D as my first proper camera. It's one of the lower range canons, but not the lowest. I was also thinking of the 1000D as well, but plumped for the 500 as it had video and felt so so so much better in my hand. This was at Christmas last year. Then in April, I decided to get a bridge camera as well for when I didn't want to be carrying around my SLR, and also had funky bits like fish eye and colour selection and the miniaturise mode. That's the Canon SX130 IS. I love both of them!
August 3rd, 2011
@cally That sounds really good! i'll definitely consider a canon or a nikon :)
August 3rd, 2011
As long as its got a manual setting, exposure and a low f number (f3.5 or less) then go for it. Can't fault the Cannon G10 ( I think theres a G12 newer model now). Shooting in manual maketh the photographer.......by me
August 3rd, 2011
Thanks for the advice:)
August 3rd, 2011
@sophielouise98 Yeah I haven't played around with panasonic, but I've lifted a Sony, and unless you have really MASSIVE hands, I don't think it tends to feel comfortable. Have to say the best advice I have is to lift it up and see how it feels to you. If it doesn't feel right, it's probably not for you! Plus Nikon and Canon have a larger lens base at the moment, so you will have more to choose from when you upgrade. One thing is though, that the price of bodies for Canon will tend to be higher, with lenses lower, and for Nikon it's the other way around. It depends what you are looking for :)
August 3rd, 2011
another vote for going into a store and just holding them and seeing what fits better in your hand. If you can afford it all in one shot, go ahead and buy it via amazon. If you cant afford it all at once, then go to Jessops. They let you buy it on loan (0%) and pay back over 10 months or so. I did that with my 7D and its a lot easier to manage the payments.
August 4th, 2011
One advantage of a DSLR is sensor size. The larger the sensor the more light gathered. Not all DSLRs have the same sensor size. A larger sensor drives up the price, not only in the camera body, but in the lenses. Canon offer lenses which fit the smaller sensor DSLRs, but not the larger. Think Nikon are similar.
That said, most DSLRs will have a larger sensor than most pocket cameras, so one is a step ahead in any case.
Comfort is a key factor, as the photographer is the most important part of the equation.
August 4th, 2011
@cally @toast @lilbudhha Thanks everybody, i'll definitely have a hold of the camera's to see which im most comfortable with annd i dont want the price to be too high or the camera to be too complicated as it will be my first camera. but ive started looking into bridge cameras now and i think that will be my first move then onto a DSLR. Thanks for your help everyone :]
August 4th, 2011
It's not the camera that takes better images, it's you - let's get that straight first!

Also, don't pay attention to anybody who says get Nikon over Canon, or vice versa. Play with both and then decide. Just don't buy Sony (I'm kidding!)
August 4th, 2011
@vikdaddy Thanks for reminding me! Haha and i'll definitely look into both as they're probably both as good as each other!
August 4th, 2011
Curry's or Tesco online is good, Jessops is usually more expensive, but my housemate just asked me what DSLR to get and I told him a Canon 1100D because he didn't want a discussion just my opinion and he got one with loads of extras for £549 at jessops and it was only £539 at Currys so not much in it. I use a Pansonic just a step down from a DSLR which was £70 off ebay, its an FZ7 which you can google it's a great camera and takes okay pics. But I'm saving up for a Panasonic G3 because I love and trust panasonic. The Canon 1100D he got was amazing to be fair, he loves it. Try Amazon, and Ebuyer.com before you buy, Tesco do a lot of offers on point and shoots I don't know if they sell DSLRs
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