Good Photo vs. Photo with Funny Story

August 13th, 2011
Arrg! I am in the constant debate weather I should post the best photo I took that day or one that best sums up the day. I've done this for over 100 days and I still don't think I get what 365 is about. :P
August 13th, 2011
Get Ace and post them both =) It's what I did.
August 13th, 2011
@remirixjones . It is your project to photo doc your day.... so if that means the best photo of the day. then so be it.,.. if it means what sums up your day best, then post that one.... no one is / will judge you on how you choose your photos... specially as we only get to see one of your photos..........
some people post photos of blades of grass... is that the best of their day? or the one that sums up their best?
some people post pics only of bugs, or their children etc.... its up to you..

and to add to Brandies comment.. with an Ace account you can add three albums, so it cuts down on some of the trouble with deciding.. that is of course if you only have three shots that you want to add......... lol I tend to take a millions shots of the same thing and then have to weed out the ones I dont like...
August 13th, 2011
@remirixjones It is really about whatever you want it to be about. Follow your heart
August 13th, 2011
@remirixjones Ditto to all of the above- it's really up to you as to what you will post. There is no hard and fast rule that dictates what type of picture must be posted every day. It's your project to enjoy- not stress over. I started out with a basic account but eventually upgraded to Ace and I'm really glad I did. It's totally affordable and now I have the advantage of adding photos in when I pick out my favorite, but still like one or two others- gives me lots of breathing room.
August 13th, 2011
I totally understand and can agree with your dilemma! i'm using my 365 as a way to represent each day that goes by in my life for the year. So I try to use the photo that best sums up my day and yes, this often results in my 'best photo' not being used for my project.

At the end of the year, I'm planning to get a book printed with all my shots as a visual diary, so if I was to post my 'best photo' each time, I don't believe it would
truly reflect my year. That being said, I often try out new editing techniques in photoshop for my daily shot and then I post the 'version' of my selected photo I'm most happy with :)

As for 'getting' what 365 is about - it's your project so you choose what the purpose of you doing a 365 is: is it to improve your photography and try out/learn new techniques? Or is it to record your year in photographs? :)

I've probably confused you more than ever with this rant/reply :)
August 13th, 2011
Whichever you prefer :)
August 13th, 2011
365 is about whatever you want it to be about.
August 13th, 2011
I think 365 is about what *you* want to make of it.
If you look at pages where people post their shots you'll see that everyone is coming at it from a slightly different angle. If you go with your heart and instincts for your day's choice you may well find that your angle will evolve, or reveal itself over time. I think that's one of the joys of participating in this site.
If you want to put up your best shot maybe that is also part of your day because it's something that pleased you that day.
August 13th, 2011
" ... I still don't think I get what 365 is about."

Why did you begin your project? What did you hope to learn, if anything?

It sounds like you have no connection to your photos. Start there. When you take a picture, ask yourself what draws you to this particular image? What is it you want to remember? What is it you want to share with those who see it? Why are you taking this?

August 13th, 2011
I agree with Dorrena... Sounds like you have no connection to your photos. Theres always that photo that stands out to me,even if its just because of the story or maybe because its a awesome photo. Your best photo could be your best photo because you were proud of it,its story,the thought, the quaility.....
August 13th, 2011

"I've done this for over 100 days and I still don't think I get what 365 is about. :P "

It's about a year! ;0)
August 13th, 2011
yes. I say go with either, if you have a funny / fond memory of a shoot, that might be a good thing, easier to remember each day. also, ACE membership might be a good thing :)
August 15th, 2011
@tolpol Good call...XD
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