Hurricane Irene photos

August 28th, 2011
I hope fellow 365ers and your loved ones in Irene's path are safe and that your property escapes her wrath.

Once the hurricane has come and gone, I would love to see your photos. We can watch coverage on tv and look at pictures on the web and in magazines, but viewing the aftermath through yours lens makes it so much more personal for the rest of us.

I hope I'm not taken as being invasive or insensitive in asking to see photos. I mean no offense.

Thank you. Stay safe and sound.
August 28th, 2011
@mebswartz Although I am not there I agree with you. I think people can take some gret shots while being sensitve about the whole thing
August 28th, 2011
@mebswartz - Tropical Cyclone Yasi hit our area as a Category 3 storm earlier this year, and did a whole world of damage... This was my first photo the next day as I stepped over fallen trees and powerlines.

August 28th, 2011
@bobfoto That is an incredible shot!
August 28th, 2011
We got lucky... a few downed branches and leaves.
August 28th, 2011
Not much damage here in NJ. Saw quite a few fallen trees and power lines. My basement flooded about 2 inches.

August 29th, 2011
August 29th, 2011

August 29th, 2011

Pretty mellow here in Worcester, MA. Small branches & leaves. Being on one of the many hills, not much flooding either.
August 29th, 2011
Thank goodness Irene petered out, huh?
August 29th, 2011
awww i think Irene didn't damage U.S that much eh? thank God... even here in the Philippines it's all over the news and of course we are worried.. and at the same time with Irene we have our own supertyphoon going on.... ughhh getting 9 lives of mostly children :( sad... (not pretty sure about the figure but that's so far what i read) but glad that the majority of you there and here are safe....
August 29th, 2011
@pocketmouse - Thank you Teresa and vale to those who did lose their lives to Hurricane Irene. It was reported here in Australia that there was a loss. Vale.
August 29th, 2011
@myla I love your shot!
August 29th, 2011
Sadly, there was massive flooding in Vermont, the worst in over a century. Washing away of houses, historic covered bridges, and more. And four people have lost their lives there.
August 30th, 2011
August 30th, 2011
we were very lucky and had no damage to our property, but there is a huge downed tree a short block away from us
here are a couple of pics i took

here's a link to more pictures i took...not that great, and a lot of the same thing
August 30th, 2011
This is my next door neighbors yard. Photo was taken from the street. What use to be their driveway is in front of me. That clearing in the far right corner is where the bulkhead use to be, the original lake is in the distance. To add insult to injury, unfortunately their house has been on the market for a few months. No idea what they're going to do now.

August 30th, 2011

August 30th, 2011
This spider survived the hurricane and took care of her egg sack as well

September 2nd, 2011
My town in NJ got hit pretty hard. All of downtown was underwater and there were trees down everywhere. My house was spared any major damage but its really sad seeing friends and neighbors who weren't so lucky.

September 4th, 2011
A few more South Jersey hurricane shots for you.

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