Naked Challenge

October 19th, 2011
Just recently I received a lovely gift from the computer gods...a virus! I can't access any of my editing software that I have come to depend on for all my shots! The thought of posting SOOC shots makes me feel a little vulnerable, stripped down bare in front of my peers, naked. Well, I have a choice, post fillers until I get my computer repaired or post SOOC. No contrast, no cropping, saturation...ect! I choose SOOC!

So, I challenge you to get naked with me! Go SOOC for a week! If your camera can do it, its fair game but once you download the pics from your camera that's it! Hmmm, sounds a little scary, doesn't it? Misery does love company!

I just realized we need a tag so we can see each others pics! Lets tag your pics with nakedchallenge. I hope I don't need to do anything for the tag, Ive never posted a discussion before! ;P I'm so glad to see such a great response! Thanks guys!
October 19th, 2011
sorry you have a virus
hope things are fixed soon
what a good challenge
October 19th, 2011
Look forward to seeing your "naked" shots Jerry!! I'm sure they will still be superb! Damn shame about the virus though!
October 19th, 2011
You are on! But sorry about the dang virus! Get a Mac! Haha
October 19th, 2011
sorry- about the virus but i'll be waiting for those NAKED XX rated sooc's of yours-i'm excited !!:)
October 19th, 2011
@jodimuli . I was excited too until I looked down at myself and thought, hell I cant subject them all to this amazing nakedness.. there will be riots
October 19th, 2011
I'm going naked tonight and will take you up on this one Jerry. I have so little time that the idea of posting SOOC is so appealing!
I got a an iMac a few months ago and it's a FAV for me! Love it! :-) Good luck with your computer! Till then, I can't wait to see your naked shots! Yes, misery does love company!
October 19th, 2011
@glendq Thank you, Glendq!
@cocorose ;) We'll see how it goes!
@cvanheel Awesome! I would love a Mac! Maybe thats my next move!
@jodimuli Lol!
@nikkers Lol! Your funny!
October 19th, 2011
@lorihiro Yay!! Your right, Lori, I posted this in 2min! My normal time is about an hour!
October 19th, 2011
@orangecrush Yeah--my spider shot tonight was a no brainer. I'll get a lot of yucks, ewws, & grossed out comments, but SOOC is so time efficient! :-)
I'm already loving this challenge! Thanks for posting it!
October 19th, 2011
Boy, you sure know how to produce an attention grabber! Sorry to hear about your computer and I agree with @cvanheel and @lorihiro about the Mac. Sure love mine, just say'n! The SOOC is such a great idea. I will have to sleep on it and maybe that glass of wine would help, lol!!
October 19th, 2011
@exposure4u Lol! Its helping me! ;P
October 19th, 2011
Well there's a challenge - I tried to do this myself a few months backa sI thought I was over processing a little too much! I er failed! but I guess it did make me cut back on my "editing eveything" mentality. I'll try my very best to upload a naked shot for the next week (even if it be in my alternative album!) sorry to hear your virus is a nasty one....hope you can find some medicine for it soon!
October 19th, 2011
another vote for an imac...they are brilliant and look beautiful too.
Good luck with your sooc.. is there a special "naked" tag we should use?
October 19th, 2011
Sorry you've got a virus Jerry, really difficult having to lose something you've come to rely on. I do already upload some naked pictures anyway - time usually means I have to.

Can I just point out that some cameras do more than others, so one person's "what the camera can do" will include manual focus, exposure times, white balance (no, don't have any of those) right up to cropping, different filters and effects
October 19th, 2011
sooc is the way of the future! heaps more satisfaction when you land a winner, and less temptation to try to polish a turd :P hope you enjoy it!
October 19th, 2011
Sympathise with the to be quite honest I still can't use PSE and most of my pics are sooc (or SOUK, but that's another story) I'm more than happy to play...Starting tomorrow because I didn't find the thread until I'd saturated tonight's shot.
October 19th, 2011
very cool challange!! i dont think id be be to stay away from editing for a week....
October 19th, 2011
I'm so sorry about the virus... My household is pretty sick right now and I'm not able to get out with my camera, to go naked with you. I really would love to join the challenge in a few days though! I've rarely done SOOC shots and it's scary, but I need to stepaway from the HDR button!!!!
Can't wait to see your naked shots though Jerry!!
October 19th, 2011
So now, what some people see is what we get to see. No tricks, manipulation,
no enhancement except for what the camera does with it. So we see more of a true photo unadulterated unchanged, real. So now there are some out there that will be on the same game as those who can't afford an editing program or who do not have the time to use it. I know I will more than likely get some flack on this but that is ok I am use to it. On another note I am also sorry that your system got a virus, but it is good that you can still post your photo's
October 19th, 2011
@rrt --- Google's Picasa is free and it's a good management system as well as a simple editing program.
October 19th, 2011
sorry to hear about the virus. Hope you get it resolved soon. SOOC shouldn't be a problem for you - you take excellent photos! I can not wait to take a look at what you manage without editing software!!
October 19th, 2011
I recently went on a photowalk with one of my photo groups. The plan was to simulate shooting with a film camera which meant 36 max and no post editing. I don't do a lot of editing on the majority of my pics anyway so this wasn't a stretch for me. I used a Fujifilm disposable camera for the challenge and then took it to Costco for developing and put onto dvd.

My name is under my pictures from this photowalk. Click forward from this page. I was uploading at the same time as another member, so keep clicking through the pics. I didn't post them all on this but there are plenty to see what I did for this challenge.

Now, if I can do this with a dispable camera, there is no excuse for you not to be able to do this with your camera and know-how. Have faith in your abilities.
October 19th, 2011
The pictures will be very blunt because there is no sun...but gloom and rain.but will try it.. Here we go nude.
October 19th, 2011
@dmortega ok, thank you
October 19th, 2011
Posted mine (had to resort to one from last month because my card reader's not working) - but it's still naked!
October 19th, 2011
Jerry, sounds like a plan and a good challenge. I'm sure many 365'ers spend a lot of time post-processing. We'll give it a go at some sooc shots! Thanks!
October 19th, 2011
sorry for your virus but I do really enjoy going SOOC for a week or two on occassion. I find it allows me to refocus my mind on getting the subject, composition and setings right the first time.
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis hey, I just picked up an extra multi card reader for about $20 USD at our local pharmacy (since I left mine at home for vacation). It is nice now to have a back up.
October 19th, 2011
sorry about the virus but I look forward to your "naked" shots.
October 19th, 2011
And here I thought we were going to spice things up.
October 19th, 2011
@orangecrush so, top picture "naked" bottom picture not "naked

October 19th, 2011
Murder Mystery284 / 365My wife and I went to Murder Mystery event this past summer. We were supposed to dress the part including fake mustache. The top picture was taken before we boarded a boat that took us to Singer Castle where the mystery was played out. A good friend of mine surprised me with the bottom picture after he did some serious editing, he even put a gun in my hand. This is pretty much why photos aren't used in a court of law as evidence.
October 19th, 2011
@orangecrush I hope you don'tmind, I started another discussion as a followup to the one you started, showing before and after. Maybe that would be a good thing to have going on, the before edit and after edit.
October 19th, 2011
@rrt I love it, Richard! This is a great shot of you two! Amazing what some editing can do!
October 22nd, 2011
Eek I have just realized I have been naked all year apart from the odd couple of slightly cropped shots. I hope you manage to kick that virus in the butt as they are very annoying and I'm looking forward to seeing you naked photos.
October 22nd, 2011
The thought of no photoshop terrifies me. lol. Good Luck, my brave friend! I will not be joining you. hahahaha
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