RAW files

December 10th, 2011
HI all

Hubby and I both shoot all our pics in RAW and I really like what we can do with them in Adobe but obviously have to save to jpeg to see them and print them. Is there any point saving the RAW file once we have converted to jpeg? At the moment my poor computer is about to fall over with the amount of space our pics are taking up :-) Thanks
December 10th, 2011
I save all my RAW files to an external hard drive, just in case I ever want them. You can get 1 gig drives for about $70, and they are great for peace of mind.
December 10th, 2011
Only if you want to go back to them later. Think of them like negatives, and the JPEG like prints. If you want to re-edit, b&w etc, it is better to work with the raw files. I keep all my raw files, and I have over 300000 of them.
December 10th, 2011
Yup, as has been said, save if you think you'll ever need to tinker with again. External hard drives are dirt cheap, and so are internal ones. I'd recommend getting either two externals or one internal + one external, so you can keep a backup set on a separate physical drive, just in case. Every hard drive will fail eventually, and when they do they can be very expensive (and in some cases impossible) to get data off, so preparing by having two copies of anything you care about is a very smooth move.
December 10th, 2011
@jinximages @eyebrows - 300000! Wowee, I thought I had enough at 60-thousand.... oooo weee. And yeah I have two external hard drives, one here at home and the other at a different location which I back up every now and then.
December 10th, 2011
Also on this topic, if you're running Windows, Microsoft offer a free backup agent called SyncToy, which you can combine with the in-built Task Scheduler to automate the entire process of backing stuff up. Importantly, it does incrementals. Wahay!
December 10th, 2011
What he said >> @eyebrows

December 10th, 2011
@azza_l *curtsy*
December 10th, 2011
if your pictures are worth saving you should definitely hang onto your raw files! You should also consider saving them to .dng format so you have archival confidence (see here). Personally, I always convert my raw files to dng on import in Lightroom. Also, make sure they are backed up, preferable in at least two locations. Hope this helps :)
December 10th, 2011
I agree with @jinximages and @eyebrows - keep the RAW "negatives" and put your library/archive on external drives.
December 10th, 2011
Thanks all for your advice! I knew the people here would have some excellent ideas. We are off to get an external hard drive just for pics but I am also clearing out all the crap - so far about 20 g lol - this is the kind of spring cleaning I enjoy :-) also given me a chance to reorganize all of my picture files into categories instead by date- having a ball
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