Bokeh Help !!

December 27th, 2011
Ok so i have multiple cameras ( fujifilm Z, canon powershot sx150 is , and nikon d3100 ) And i need help figuring out how to do a bokeh shot just right ! And quickly because we are taking my tree down soon !! PLease post pictures of your bokeh and advice ! Thanks !(:
December 27th, 2011
here are some of my bokeh!

So i just recently learned how to do bokeh.. i believe i watched a video which helped! but, for simple basic bokeh heres what you do. So you have your subject, lined up with the lights in the background maybe oh say, 6 feet away from your subject? The object you are photographing should be lit up by an off camera flash or even just a lamp will do. By focusing in on your subject, the background (lights) are automatically blurred! You can check on youtube maybe it will help you as they walk you step by step :) it worked for me! good luck to you and i hope that what i said helped!! play around with it.
December 27th, 2011
Thank you sosososo much !! You have some really good bokeh's !! I like the fish one ! (:
December 27th, 2011
Yep, lights a good distance away, close up focus on a subject....shapes can be made with a store bought or homemade filter...who says you have to have the tree up to get the lights out? Keep a strand or two out or easily accessible when you get an idea, you can try it out. I would suggest focusing your lens as close up as you can, then take a few steps back from the lights, look through your viewfinder, take a couple more steps, look, repeat until you get the results you are looking for............or you could try typing how to bokeh in the search bar!
December 27th, 2011
there are loads of discussions on this and on from last week. They are always helpful
December 27th, 2011
@kaustin posted this on the FB 365 group. I hope it helps
December 27th, 2011
Don't forget to keep your aperture as wide open (lowest F-number) as you can, and/or lens length as long as you can while focusing on your subject. That will give you a shallow depth of field which will make it easier to catch the background lights out of focus and create that awesome bokeh effect.
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