Rainbow Ninja, Crochet Warrior

December 30th, 2011
Some things cannot be unremembered...

Liam, you are an enigma =]

December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
We have to get this pic on the PP!
December 30th, 2011
December 30th, 2011
@hehe1308 That was precisely my intention when I created the thread. If this doesn't go to at least PP (fingers crossed for top 10) I'll possibly cry ;o)
December 30th, 2011
Just faved it,must be seen :)
December 30th, 2011
Wow so bad its good : ]
December 30th, 2011
Just in case you want to see it sexyfied...

...work it, homeboy! =]
December 30th, 2011
This is so so funny!!
December 30th, 2011
Batman's evil nemesis "Candyman"! To loudly go where no man has gone before.
December 30th, 2011
OMG! Off to fav it now!
December 30th, 2011
Omg these pics are DED secksy. I'm going to crochet myself some britches now.
December 31st, 2011
LOL!!! that is too fab-u-lous!
December 31st, 2011
You guys really. What a great xmas present from you all. Thanks for the PP votes. @brizmako you are one of my most loyal followers. A simple genuflect will do.
Happy 2012 yall.
December 31st, 2011
Faved...crying from laughing!
December 31st, 2011
My eyes! MY EYES!!! This is just too sexy for words ;)
December 31st, 2011
OMG that is Fantastic!! I love it!! @diningwithliam you are wacky mate!
December 31st, 2011
@diningwithliam Merry Yaksmas, champion :D
December 31st, 2011
OK this thing should be on the PP by now...59views and 11faves, it's gotta be close!

Tell your friends! xD
December 31st, 2011
66 views and 13 faves and its still not there!
December 31st, 2011
@brizmako The question should be, not why is this not on the PP, but why is little Arthur in a nativity outfit in the background? Is this a nativity at a primary school and is Liam Crochet-Jesus in a technicolour dream-jumpsuit? @diningwithliam
December 31st, 2011
@kjarn I know...I often wonder who you have to f*** to get a pic on PP now. There's some up there with less views and half the faves that have been there for days.
December 31st, 2011
@chewyteeth Good grief, Dave! I just thought the little tacker was wearing a home-made hoodie! I never thought of that x[
December 31st, 2011
Now I know why I don't get on the PP!!!!!
December 31st, 2011
LOL! so funny and so creative crochet!!! =D HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
January 1st, 2012
@chewyteeth @brizmako It has now got 15 favs and 83 views so come on you sentimental PP critics. Arthur is actually wearing his Duck dressing gown and is quite used to his Dads eccentric behaviour. I have since made matching shoe covers too. Thanks again for all the laffs. It looks like I am also a bit of a stripy sex symbol. WHY?
January 1st, 2012
@diningwithliam mine the target the other day with 111 and 26, strange when in May I got in PP with like 26 views and 7 favs. Anyway, you got there, you know you can entertain 83 people and inspire 15 enough to give you a motivational pat on the back. I always think Jesus had 13 disciples, you've got 15. Pretty cool. hope your new year was good, the FAV button has dissapeared and now I've got edit...hmm. x
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