5 Step Challenge 4

June 7th, 2012
Here is the new challenge to practice basic processing skills for your digital photos. A photo is provided and you will use a total of five processing steps (i.e. crop, contrast, saturation, clone, etc.) to put your own touch on it. Please list the editing steps you used. A group of winners will be selected Wednesday, June 13th and submitted for voting. The winner will host the next challenge.

To copy the photo for your own use: right click on photo, choose "save photo as" & save to my computer -- then edit and upload it as a daily photo in your project.

Please tag your photo: 5stepchallenge-4

Here is the photo to edit:

Happy editing!
June 8th, 2012
June 8th, 2012
@mah68 ~ Looks like a fun challenge - what ruins are these?
June 8th, 2012
@kph129 - They're the Roman ruins at Jerash, in the north of Jordan.

@swguevin - Icy :). Don't forget to post the 5 editing steps you took as well!
June 8th, 2012

3 steps in photoshop
- gradient map
- levels
- crop

2 steps in picmonkey
- daguerreotype frame
- gritty
June 8th, 2012
Do you have to take 5 steps and is the closing date the 13th?

June 8th, 2012

Here's my first attempt at the new 5 step challenge:

Step 1. Tone mapping
Step 2. Turn to B & W
Step 3. Frost filter in Picmonkey
Step 4. Sepia tone
Step 5. Frame with photocorner in Picmonkey
June 8th, 2012

I decided to go Indiana Jones-ish with this edit. All in PicMonkey:
1. crop
2. dodge bottom left corner
3. desaturate
4. gritty effect
5. cinerama effect
June 8th, 2012
@la_photographic - From what I understand, you don't have to take all 5 steps, but you can't take more than that. And yep, you have until June 13th to submit your creation!
June 8th, 2012
Reposting, since I forgot to post my steps here:

1. Crop
2. Invert colors
3. Increase Shadows
4. HDRish
5. Auto contrast
June 9th, 2012


June 10th, 2012

Can you cut and paste more than once as one step?
Well I'm either one step short or one step over.
Cut & Paste x3.
Lighting effect
June 11th, 2012

.insert alien intruder
.paint lightbeams
.gradient mask

June 12th, 2012
Here is mine

June 13th, 2012

bl & white
June 13th, 2012
Here is mine:-

Cropped it slightly.

Added one of my images of people fencing.

Converted it all to B&W.

Converted it to sepia.

Adjusted the brightness and contrast.

June 14th, 2012
***This thread is now closed***
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