Artist Challenge - John Piper

October 5th, 2012
John Piper (specifically John Egerton Christmas Piper) was born on December 13, 1903, in Epsom. After the death of his father in 1926, Piper was able to leave his late father's firm to apply to the Royal College of Art in South Kensington. Unfortunately he was rejected, as his skills in drawing nudes did not seem satisfactory. Only after being taken in at the Richmond School of Art was Piper able to change later to the Royal College to study painting.
There Piper met Charles Mahoney, Morris Kestleman, and Tom Monnington, all of whom effected a lasting influence on the young artist. After his education, John Piper had to earn his living with magazine articles and articles on art criticism, because paintings at that time were almost impossible to sell.
During the Second World War, art production was impractical, as canvasas, oil paints, brushes, and paper were extremely hard to come by. On the other hand, no one had money to buy art. The situation for Piper and his fellow artists became better under a program by the British government in which artists were paid to produce murals for propagandistic purposes.
John Piper, who did not have to serve in the army, painted pictures of bombed out, destroyed buildings. This subject became characteristic for Piper's work after the war, also his colors, textures, and chosen perspectives,
I like the diversity of his style with architecture, landscape and abstract compositions, designer for the theatre and of stained-glass windows,there are also some collages amongst his works, so I can feel some fun with processing and editing skills could be needed!! I hope you enjoy my choice of artist.

The challenge is to take a photograph recreating one of John Piper's paintings/etchings, or to photograph something in the style that is reminiscent of his work, or to take a concept of one of his paintings and make it your own.

The challenge starts now and ends on Sunday, October 14th 2012 at midnight GMT entries must be taken between these dates.

Please tag your entries: ac-piper

I look forward to looking through your photographs for this challenge.

Lesley Allen
October 5th, 2012
@peterdegraaff @catsmeowb @hopess13 @welcometocarolworld @Istasel
tagging those who had participated and/or shown interest in the previous artist challenges
October 5th, 2012
October 5th, 2012
Thanks for the tag Lesley
October 5th, 2012
Lesley, thank you so much for the tag.... ♥
October 5th, 2012
Thanks Lesley, have posted a User version too
October 5th, 2012
thank you so much for including me in this challenge. i have never heard of this artist and look forward to learning about him. am off to read about him. his work sounds very interesting. one of the things i most enjoy about 365 is being exposed to new knowledge, expanding my horizons. again, thank you so very much.
October 5th, 2012
@lesleyallen Thank you for the tag Lesley. I'll see what I can do with this before the 14th! I'm looking forward to seeing this artist's work.
October 6th, 2012
Thanks for the notice - looks like this will be a fun one!
October 6th, 2012
Love his work, what a lovely challenge
October 6th, 2012
Just popped back and spotted this, I love Pipers work, heres one I made earlier...
off to look at the entries now : )
October 6th, 2012
I already had this photo which was taken a couple of weeks ago. I've got a bit of an obsession with churches and their architecture a bit like John Piper did! :)

October 7th, 2012
Great challenge! I am going to try it!
October 7th, 2012
Here goes!
October 8th, 2012
Archways to eternity - Glastonbury Abbey ruins with added stars

October 8th, 2012
Thank you so much for including me in this challenge and for shedding light on this creative artist. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos inspired by Piper.
October 10th, 2012
October 10th, 2012
The strangest thing happened.....

October 11th, 2012
ok this American gal feels completely at a disadvantage! How cool that you get to go see the sites he actually painted? so jealous! @petervanallen that really looks like you painted it! you didn't did you? :D @lesleyallen that is so cool!
October 11th, 2012
@sunshinephoto5 I did think of that , he did paint/draw some abstract and collage stuff as would be great to some of those represented.
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