WINNER: New Year's Phoneography Challenge

January 4th, 2013
Thanks to everyone who participated in the New Year's Phoneography Challenge. There is some wonderful talent out there! But let's get on to business now.

The overwhelming winner with more than half of the votes is.....

Carren's Love @nana2r

Congratulations Carren!!!

It is my honor to pass the hosting of the next phoneography challenge over to you :)
January 4th, 2013
@nana2r Congratulations Carren
January 4th, 2013
@aspada Thx for hosting and posting! I had completely missed the voting thread AND my notification.

@nana2r Big congratulations! It is a wonderful, fun photo.
January 4th, 2013
Congratulations - this is an amazing phone shot! @nana2r
January 4th, 2013
@aspada thank you so much! I am honored, and surprised! You did a great job hosting! I'm not sure where to start, but I have read all of the threads so I'm going to give it a try. Do I get to come up with the theme and the time table? I'm thinking of "Inspiration" but I haven't decided for sure.

@cmc1200, thank you so much for suggesting for me to enter! You are so kind and this was fun!

@shirleytemple @lyno thank you so much!
January 4th, 2013
Hooray -- I thought your photo was a terrific capture of human emotions.
January 4th, 2013
@nana2r Thanks Carren. Your photo was full of great emotion... happiness and love. And of course the lights were key ;-)

You can decide what "theme" and when you want to hold it. It's yours now. The only thing that remains fixed is that people have to use their phones. Looking forward to participating as I've finally graduated to an iPhone less than a month ago and am loving what it can do!

Please tag me when you get the next one going, will you please?

Again... congratulations!
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