Get Pushed Week 42 - Monday May 6th to Sunday May 12

May 4th, 2013
Happy Star Wars day everyone!

As always...

- if I've left you off the list when you should be on (or left you on when you should be off), please post to this thread ONLY and i will get it fixed... (it becomes awfully challenging to keep track when you post to other threads)

-- If you've never played before but want to join up, please post to this thread as well...

Week 42 Dates

-- Saturday / Sunday, May 4th and 5th - find your partner and issue a challenge
-- Monday May 6th thru Sunday May 12th - take a picture in response to the challenge issued to you, and post it with the tag: Get-Pushed-42, and comment on the photos taken in response to your challenge
-- Monday, May 13th - winner of week 41 will pick 5 finalists for a vote

(hasn't posted in a couple weeks or does not post a challenge to you by Tuesday at midnight GMT), then:

(1) please let me know by responding to this thread... AND

(2) PLEASE TAG THE PERSON IN YOUR RESPONSE... this does 2 things... (1) it gives a little nudge to your partner and (2) it helps me because then i don't have to search thru my spreadsheet to see who you are partnered with before going to my master list spreadsheet to note that they are MIA :)

How to play:


1. Find your partner from the list below and click on their name to get to their profile

2. Browse through the last couple of months of photos to get a feel for what they shoot and don't shoot etc.

3. Post an introduction on their last photo, and also issue the challenge you are setting.


4. You have until midnight next Sunday, to take and post your shot or shots.

5. When posting your shot write a short description about who challenged you, what the challenge was, what you found hard about it etc. You really should do this because if nothing else, it helps the previous week's winner when they have to choose this week's finalists... besides, if someone is cruising the photos with a "get pushed" tag, they like to see what the challenge was when looking at your photo :)

6. Make sure to tag your shot for the challenge.... Get-Pushed-42

7. Tag your challenger in a COMMENT (not just your write-up). You MUST tag your partner in a separate comment... tagging them in your write-up of your photo is not sufficient as it will not result in them getting a notification...


8. it is nice to visit the photo that was made in response to your challenge and offer some comments and maybe even some constructive criticism...

9. On the Monday after the challenge is over, the winner of the previous week will pick 5 finalists for a vote, this can be based purely on their fav photos, who they felt best met the challenge etc, etc.

Have fun and be careful out there!


@3sixty5 with @hjbenson
@fishy with @lynne5477
@davidwren with @mikegifford
@sxyrhoose with @l2lumom
@bjw with @jackie8
@shezza with @noragentian
@kt365 with @myhrhelper
@vankrey with @momsta
@summerfield with @frida
@simster with @taffy
@frankhymus with @tstb
@melissapike with @boltonboy
@lindseying with @seahawker
@nicolaeastwood with @ryanarra2
@janim with @wenbow
@rainechan with @velina
@mandyj92 with @kali66
@suesmith with @edie
@la_photographic with @archaeofrog
@amandal with @angelamartel
@paign with @ladydi53
@so_lo_webb with @samanthamphoto
@lynnb with @dixon
@rafaseno with @colie
@cheribug with @m9f9l
@mizhayz with @atooner
@my_photofun with @sparrow
@northy with @janturnbull
@haimynameiskim with @joa
@helixconcepts with @nicoleterheide
@missmercy with @dtigani
@jyokota with @corgimom
@sudweeks with @carolinedreams
@dh with @joannapayne
@katharinehubbard with @bbf
@riverlandphotos with @justjim
@evahenriette with @abhijit
@lebrouillac with @smevvy
@nikolinadimitrova with @jehill1159
@tammeray with @hagata
@dmdfday with @brightphotography
@ridley with @tinmaddog
@3rdxoff with @johnmnewman
@phillyphotos with @cameraholic
@gigiz with @ellatyler
@mbrunner with @sjoblues
@squamloon with @rachelwithey
@smithak with @june
@jameshislop with @degarvey
@kph129 with @anna_sophia
@glendq with @mijade
May 4th, 2013
I'm mostly offline next week, so could you pair @wenbow up with someone else, thank youuu:)
May 4th, 2013
hey i'd like to try this! thanks :)
May 4th, 2013
@laughinglarkphotography great! if you're set to play this week, you can pair up with @wenbow as her partner had to bow out... let me know if you have any questions!
May 4th, 2013
Hi I'm really sorry but I don't think I will be able to carry on for the moment I will tell you when I have some more time on my hands therefore carry on :)
May 5th, 2013
Northy I think my partner is MIA again. @mizhayz
May 5th, 2013
@atooner hmmm... it looks to me like she's marked her photos as private, perhaps inadvertantly... but still... ok, since Ella has had to bow out, how about you pair up with @gigiz - and if @mizhayz resurfaces i'll fine someone else to pair her up with...
May 5th, 2013
@northy thanks
May 5th, 2013
Hi Northy - I'm good for this week's challenge, but you can take me off the list for next as I'm finishing up my project! I have LOVED these Get Pushed challenges and am so appreciative for all the effort you put in to keep it going. My photography is definitely better because of you. Thanks.
May 5th, 2013
@kph129 congrats on making it thru the year!
May 6th, 2013
@northy hey there! I issued a challenge to @wenbow yesterday but haven't received one for myself yet. There is 3.5 hrs til midnight where I live... Didn't know what I should do...?
May 6th, 2013
@laughinglarkphotography Hi, Will give your a challenge soon
May 6th, 2013
@wenbow thanks! I know you have been busy! No problem :) I'm just new and don't really know how this works yet
May 6th, 2013
Hi Northy, If you need someone 'to fill in' for this week, I could be the one ;) I think I'm ready to get pushed for the first time. If not, could you please put me on the list for next week? Thanks. It looks like a great challenge :)
May 7th, 2013
@stimuloog @ejlockett do you two want to pair up for this week?
May 7th, 2013
@northy Can I join in these please, I really need to do something out of my comfort zone, A bit nervous now that I have asked but here goes. thanks
May 7th, 2013
@northy @stimuloog That sounds good to me, as long as @stimuloog doesn't mind being paired up with another newbie?? :D
May 7th, 2013
@ejlockett Let's go for it! :)
May 8th, 2013
@cookie123 hi Bernadette... i'm adding you to the list for next week's pairings... no need to be nervous :)
May 8th, 2013
Put me up for next week @northy , I'm in desperate need for a push
May 11th, 2013
Hi Northy, I need to take just one week off now. I'm walking and won't have access to the t'internet. Please put me back in for week 44? Ta. x
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