EOTB 11 starts tomorrow!

June 19th, 2013
So here we go with EOTB11! Or Eye of the Beholder 11. What does it involve? The competition was started by Jeff, and in Jeff's own words: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". In my words “A good excuse to go out looking for grunge ”.
Here's how it works:

The challenge is to find something most people would not consider to be beautiful, and find a way to capture an image that IS beautiful, or has impact.
The advice below is copied from the last call.
“You can achieve your beauty any way you desire. This challenge will help you with your composition and lighting skills. The way you compose the shot or the way you use light will usually be the way you bring out the beauty. It will also help you look at your surroundings differently. Everything is potentially a beautiful photograph. It’s not a matter of finding something to photograph, it’s a matter of finding a way to photograph something that makes photographing it worthwhile.

There is not specific item you have to photograph for this challenge. And the only rule is that the subject you photograph has to be something that, if people were watching you photograph it, would be wondering what has possessed you to photograph something so plain, bland, boring, ugly, etc. Beauty is where you find it, and it is all around you. Train your eye to see things differently.”

The challenge begins on June 20th (Thursday) and runs through to midnight (BST) on June 28th. Entries must be taken and posted within this time frame. I might be away next week so will choose 5 finalists when I get back and we’ll being voting on the weekend of the 29th.

Please tag your entries EOTB11

After voting the lucky person will have the honor of selecting the 5 finalists for Eye of the Beholder 12!
Hope you find some inspiration and have fun!!

Oh - please also post your entries under this thread if you feel inclined. Would be a good way to inspire others.
June 19th, 2013
I'm game!!
June 20th, 2013
June 20th, 2013
I'll give it a bash!
June 20th, 2013
Me too!
June 21st, 2013
Love this challenge.

June 22nd, 2013

here's one for you alison :o)
June 22nd, 2013

June 22nd, 2013
Moth Eggs--sorta christmasy too :)

June 22nd, 2013
June 23rd, 2013
June 25th, 2013
Here's mine:

June 25th, 2013
Dog Snot can be beautiful...

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