WINNER!: JuliPhone

August 15th, 2013
The winner of the JuliPhone challenge, whereupon many of us turned to our camera phones during the month of July with amazing results, by the slimmest of margins, is... drum roll...

Chris! @ipost4u with her entry Sucked In!

Congratulations Chris!

Check out the rest of the JuliPhone entries HERE

August 15th, 2013
Congratulations Chris @ipost4u - that is a great shot!
August 15th, 2013
Well, I'm surprised to say the least and very appreciative of the compliment. Thanks Aaron for organising and suggesting this theme/competition and thanks to all those who took part and voted. I know I really enjoyed viewing everyone's images and tried a few new apps like the Tiny Planet App used for this pic. Such amazing photographers out there........... wow, I'm ecstatic.
August 15th, 2013
@ipost4u congratulations! A well deserved win! This is AMAZING!
August 15th, 2013
@ipost4u Congratulations! Such an interesting image.
August 15th, 2013
@ipost4u Congratulations, very effective shot.

@grizzlysghost Really enjoyed Juliphone - there were some amazing entries, sorry I missed the voting.
August 15th, 2013
Congratulations Chris, great shot!
August 15th, 2013
August 15th, 2013
@ipost4u wow -- i've been away from 365 and missed this - absolutely gorgeous.
August 15th, 2013
@ipost4u Congratulations! A colorful and creative shot :D
August 18th, 2013
@ipost4u congrats! sucked In was an excellent image! And thank you @grizzlysghost for running the challenge!
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