Get Pushed Week 57 - Monday August 19 to Sunday August 25

August 17th, 2013
First off, the usual PSA... please please please, if your paired with something who is MIA (missing in action - hasn't posted in several days... or WEEKS!), or who does not issue you a challenge by Tuesday night, do NOT suffer in silence...

even if you're cool with sitting the week out without a challenge, if i don't know about it, they will be paired up with someone the following week who may end up being frustrated and disappointed...

so please - let me know if you're partner is MIA...

on another note, please let me know asap if i've messed something up (left you on the list when you should be off or left you off when you asked to be one)... the sooner you let me know the easier it is to straighten things out and make sure everyone who wants to play is partnered up...

tx! and now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


Week 57 Dates

-- Saturday / Sunday, August 17th and 18th - find your partner and issue a challenge
-- Monday August 19th thru Sunday August 25th - take a picture (or pictures) in response to the challenge issued to you, and post it with the tag: Get-Pushed-57, and comment on the photos taken in response to your challenge
-- Monday, August 26th - the winner of week 56 will pick 5 finalists for a vote


(hasn't posted in a couple weeks or does not post a challenge to you by Tuesday at midnight GMT), then:

(1) please let me know by responding to this thread... AND

(2) PLEASE TAG THE PERSON IN YOUR RESPONSE... this does 2 things... (1) it gives a little nudge to your partner and (2) it helps me because then i don't have to search thru my spreadsheet to see who you are partnered with before going to my master list spreadsheet to note that they are MIA :)


IF YOU NEED TO BOW OUT AFTER THE PAIRINGS HAVE BEEN POSTED please let me know in this thread AND please tag your partner... that way they know not to peruse your album, and if someone else pops up looking for a partner before i have a chance to check in, they will be able to sort things out themselves :)

How to play:


1. Find your partner from the list below and click on their name to get to their profile

2. Browse through the last couple of months of photos to get a feel for what they shoot and don't shoot etc.

3. Post an introduction on their last photo, and also issue the challenge you are setting.


4. You have until midnight next Sunday, to take and post your shot or shots.

5. When posting your shot write a short description about who challenged you, what the challenge was, what you found hard about it etc. You really should do this because if nothing else, it helps the previous week's winner when they have to choose this week's finalists... besides, if someone is cruising the photos with a "get pushed" tag, they like to see what the challenge was when looking at your photo :)

6. Make sure to tag your shot for the challenge.... Get-Pushed-57

7. Tag your challenger in a COMMENT (not just your write-up). You MUST tag your partner in a separate comment... tagging them in your write-up of your photo is not sufficient as it will not result in them getting a notification...


8. it is nice to visit the photo that was made in response to your challenge and offer some comments and maybe even some constructive criticism...

9. On the Monday after the challenge is over, the winner of the previous week will pick 5 finalists for a vote, this can be based purely on their fav photos, who they felt best met the challenge etc, etc.

Happy trails!


@frankhymus with @rachelwithey
@nkawoods with @mcsiegle
@so_lo_webb with @corgimom
@lbluejaye8 with @palmilla
@jav0930 with @jocasta
@mikegifford with @soren
@m9f9l with @cazla
@glendq with @penndin
@laughinglarkphotography with @mej2011
@tstb with @3rdxoff
@colie with @carolinedreams
@taffy with @la_photographic
@lindseying with @salza
@julieco with @riverlandphotos
@amandakay129 with @momsta
@gypsy6 with @semjaja
@samanthamphoto with @mandyj92
@gigiz with @seahawker
@dixon with @sparrow
@mrsb1980 with @dh
@nicolaeastwood with @dtigani
@tracys with @paign
@wenbow with @aprilv
@l2lumom with @kali66
@simster with @ragnhildmorland
@smithak with @atooner
@lbjefferies with @hjbenson
@sandypw with @masosy
@pennyp with @pocketmouse
@ingrid2101 with @cameraholic
@playswithlight with @photohoot
@nanderson with @gijo1610
@my_photofun with @degarvey
@ikamera with @bjw
@tammeray with @summerfield
@ryanarra2 with @blahowd
@sjoblues with @mrsbaldy
August 17th, 2013
My partner this week @m9f9l hasn't posted since 6th August. I've left a message to ask if she still wants to do it. If she hasn't responded by Tuesday il let you know.
August 17th, 2013
@cazla ok - she's definitely around... she's been responding to comments and threads this morning... but yes, pls let me know...
August 17th, 2013
@cazla Just responded! Been camping :-)
August 17th, 2013
@jav0930 and I were partners a couple of weeks ago. Happy to set another challenge or maybe swap with someone who's free.
August 17th, 2013
@northy @jocasta either way is fine with me, just let me know :)
August 17th, 2013
@northy Could you please add me to the list? If anyone's looking for a partner this week I'd be happy to pick up some slack, otherwise next week would be great. (This is my first day of the challenge so...)
August 17th, 2013
@jocasta @jav0930 @egoodling ok - - i wanted to play this week anyway, so how about:

@jave0930 with @northy and
@jocasta with @egoodling
August 17th, 2013
My partner, @laughinglarkphotography , hasn't posted since July 30th...I am fine with sitting out for the week if need be.
August 18th, 2013
@mej2011 okiedokie... i've tagged her mia... i expect someone will be around in search of a partner shortly...
August 19th, 2013
Hi @northy. My partner this week, @amandakay129 hasn't posted since 2 July. There are at least 2 challenges posted on that date. Happy to sit this week out if there are no other partners available.
August 19th, 2013
@mej2011 @momsta how about you two pair up for this week?
August 19th, 2013
@northy Great! Thanx!
August 19th, 2013
@northy @momsta
Thanks so much! I'm off to find a challenge!
August 22nd, 2013
@northy hi Northy, I seem to be having a run of bad luck with partners lately. I thought you should know that I haven't received a challenge this week and my partner hasn't posted anything since 7th August. Also I'm going to be away next week so please leave me out of the next one.
August 22nd, 2013
I'll be gone for a couple of weeks,so could you please take me off the list and I'll let you know when I'm back and ready to join again.
August 23rd, 2013
@dh oh noooo... i'm so sorry... that does suck...
August 23rd, 2013
I'm BACK!!! maaawahhahahaha
I don't know what possessed me to do that, cept I have my camera back and a bank account lighter.

So in other words I'm ready to play again - so please put me back on the list.
Thank you very much northy!!! :)
August 23rd, 2013
@northy Hi Northy, can I please ask that you take off the list for the foreseeable future.
I'm getting married in a couple of months and the planning is keeping my pretty busy.
I will come play again!
August 23rd, 2013
I am sorry I have been a bit late in sending my get pushed challenges out lately, this week I am probably too late I am so sorry @glendq, would you like me to still send a challenge?
I find that I don't always get sent a challenge and I often forget to mention.
I would like to carry on and I will see how I go, the summer has been so busy, I guess I should have pulled out for a few weeks, but I was too busy to say that!! :)))Thank you Northy you do a great job!
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