Abstract Mundane Challenge #26 - Envelopes

September 23rd, 2013

Luckily it happened I have won the Abstract Mundane Challenge #25 of which topic was Toilet Paper and by that I have a pleasure to host next one.
Thank you @thomastoth for running the previous one and thank you all the people that voted for my work.

This time we are still around papermaking.


the topic of this challenge is



are you ready?



it's gonna be real challange



but you all gonna manage



so here we go



you have to take abstract or even more abstract picture



and some will take the most abstract picture







The challenge officially starts today Monday, September 23rd and runs through to the end of Monday September 30... on Tueasday 1st I will pick the five finalists for voting...

Please TAG your entries ABSTRACT-ENVELOPES and feel free to include them here also.

The winner of the challenge will be the next host.

Good luck everyone!

And stay tuned
September 23rd, 2013
interesting challenge, this will be my first abstract challenge attempt so looking forward to it, cheers
September 23rd, 2013
Hmmm,, that sounds like an interesting challenge! I really should try do it this time.
September 24th, 2013
September 25th, 2013
Here are some entries to motivate you and to inspire you.

post opening by @tracymore

Love Letters by @mzzhope

Read by @wenbow

U.S. Mail by (again :) ) @tracymore

Are these used anymore? by @mikegifford

Thank you guys for these and let the rest be encouraged to create some more
September 26th, 2013
My entries:

September 27th, 2013
September 27th, 2013
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