RAW editing competition

October 4th, 2013
Not sure how we could do this, but wouldn't it be good if we could have a RAW editing competition - just for fun. I would upload a RAW file that others would then download and play with. See how many versions of the same photo that we got. The winner would then upload the next RAW photo and so on.
Just not sure how we could get the RAW photo's uploaded on here for others to download - any ideas anyone??
October 4th, 2013
I will play!!!!
October 4th, 2013
Ummmm you dont have to upload the raw file to here you could upload it somewhere sharable and then just include a link. I bet you could upload RAW to dropbox or mabye skydrive.... and then share. I will try it.

October 4th, 2013
OK - i'll go first - here is a public link to a file on my dropbox - https://db.tt/AqIkR4Xi - it is one that I have done - see if you can download it Dawn and have a go.
October 4th, 2013
October 4th, 2013
That works - have you tried mine?
October 4th, 2013
@iwatts Here's what I quickly came up with, converted back to jpeg to post here. Tone and color adjustments, detail recovery and some extra noise mitigation to smoothe out the resulting sky a little.

October 4th, 2013
ahhhhhh @frankhymus beat me to it, yes it works! @iwatts So then the gauntlet has been thrown?? and the Challenge is on?
October 4th, 2013
OK - let's leave this thread here - I will start a new one with official rules to get more people on board. @acloserlookpbd make sure you post on the new one. @frankhymus Please post yout interpretation again on the new one.
October 4th, 2013
Quick B&W conversion -- too much haloing on the treeline, but that could be fixed given a bit more time.

October 4th, 2013
@abirkill Hi Alex - as this was a bit of a test, can you move it to http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/19442/official-raw-competition as now the official thread for the competition.
October 5th, 2013
@iwatts I'm about to go have breakfast, but will have a crack at it, Ian.
October 5th, 2013
@quixoticneophyte Mkae sure you go to here - the official thread now we know it works
October 5th, 2013
I already added a color image to the competition thread and that's my official entry. I really was curious about the b&w version, though, so I took that color version into Topaz B&W FX to produce this:

October 5th, 2013
@kannafoot @quixoticneophyte @abirkill @acloserlookpbd @frankhymus

I wanted to keep and enhance the colors to follow the autumn style theme. I also added details and removed "junk" from the water.

October 6th, 2013
So can u clarify that this ONLY RAW processing - nothing in photoshop?
October 6th, 2013
@debilz No Debbie - it starts with a Raw image - after that - do what you want. I wanted it to start with RAW so that people had the maximum data to work with.
October 6th, 2013
Can I point out the official thread for this competition can be found here

It won't matter so long as you have tagged your photo's with RAWCOMP-1 - they will still be enetered.
October 7th, 2013
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