Get Pushed 83 - Monday Feb 17 to Sunday Feb 23

February 15th, 2014
'allo :)


the usual reminders:

1. some folks don't post much on the weekends, post in clumps (ie: 3 or 4 days of shots in one go) or are at a point in their project when they only post a few times a week... soooo - if your partner doesn't get back to you right away, or appears to be a few days behind, please give it a day or so before asking for a new partner...

2. HOWEVER, if you're partner hasn't posted in over a week and hasn't responded to their last challenge, please let me know... even if you are ok with taking the week off, letting me know helps me keep the list up to date and makes things easier for pairings the following week...

3. IF YOU NEED TO BOW OUT AFTER THE PAIRINGS HAVE BEEN POSTED please let me know asap in this thread AND please tag your partner... that way they know not to peruse your album, and if someone else pops up looking for a partner before i have a chance to check in, they will be able to sort things out themselves :)

4. i am not a techie and have no way to come up with a program that will prevent repeat pairings from occurring... sometimes it's easy enough to switch out, but not always... so if you end up with someone you've been partnered with before, consider it an opportunity to kick it up a notch now that you kinda know each other, or, y'know for revenge (did they make you do a high key selfie? spend hours trying to figure out how to get a water drop shot? shoot in colour?? ;p)... just sayin'

5. you do NOT need to post your get pushed shot to this thread (in fact it's almost better if you don't because it makes it more difficult for me to keep track of the things i need to do in terms of updating the list)... you DO need to be sure to tag your shot get-pushed-XX (the number above)...

6. and, as always, if i left you off by mistake (or left you in by mistake!), misspelt your name or otherwise mucked things up, please let me know...


Week 83 Dates

-- Saturday / Sunday, February 15th and 16th - find your partner and issue a challenge
-- Monday February 17th thru Sunday February 23rd - take a picture (or pictures) in response to the challenge issued to you, and post it with the tag: Get-Pushed-83, and comment on the photos taken in response to your challenge
-- Monday, February 24th - the winner of week 82 will pick 5 finalists for a vote

How to play:


1. Find your partner from the list below and click on their name to get to their profile

2. Browse through the last couple of months of photos to get a feel for what they shoot and don't shoot etc.

3. Post an introduction on their last photo, and also issue the challenge you are setting.


4. You have until midnight next Sunday, to take and post your shot or shots.

5. When posting your shot write a short description about who challenged you, what the challenge was, what you found hard about it etc. You really should do this because if nothing else, it helps the previous week's winner when they have to choose this week's finalists... besides, if someone is cruising the photos with a "get pushed" tag, they like to see what the challenge was when looking at your photo :)

6. Make sure to tag your shot for the challenge.... Get-Pushed-83

7. Tag your challenger in a COMMENT (not just your write-up). You MUST tag your partner in a separate comment... tagging them in your write-up of your photo is not sufficient as it will not result in them getting a notification...


8. it is nice to visit the photo that was made in response to your challenge and offer some comments and maybe even some constructive criticism...

9. On the Monday after the challenge is over, the winner of the previous week will pick 5 finalists for a vote, this can be based purely on their fav photos, who they felt best met the challenge etc, etc.

Happy trails!

@mlulu191 with @brigette
@tstb with @salbelle
@momsta with @traceyhn
@palmilla with @nadaa
@harshu with @cgoose
@staceylane with @heatheranne612
@mzzhope with @cazink
@archaeofrog with @smurfmuffin
@vitaw with @brianarmoured
@blahowd with @shannejw
@stacypie with @joeymc
@taffy with @rachelwithey
@mikegifford with @deburahiru
@gijo1610 with @paign
@lbluejaye8 with @kandis
@summerbl4ck with @shalffoto
@bernicrumb with @neatz
@luvmynynix with @northy
@webfoot with @kali66
@trishaclancy with @sewsharyn
@ourrube with @ikamera
@mumswaby with @amyamoeba
@luka365 with @susale
@bill_fe with @aprilmilani
@lifepause with @mcsiegle
@justaspark with @stephomy
@socalgal with @kimcrisp
@sianipops with @steampowered
@3rdxoff with @farmreporter
@june with @sjoblues
@jav0930 with @so_lo_webb
@kwaussies with @hjbenson
@kathyboyles with @katiebrenkert
@kporte with @bassflyer65
@annp2014 with @m9f9l
@teodw with @nzsportpix
@jocasta with @kirstenpicchick
@telemna with @semjaja
@obmcreations with @huvesaker
@bethanyjay with @annika82
@roseolivia with @chris_mcewan
@deniseizzi with @nanderson
@swilde with @ellisa
@francoise with @julieco
@projectgaffa with @mace508
@chloejackson with @trinda
@zosimasy with @yvonneknitsknots
@cgarner with @bigugly
@homeschoolmom with @worldthrumycamera
@tcolemanklein with @pennyp
@filsie65 with @la_photographic
@gailmmeek with @smithak
@salza with @photohoot
@dh with @smevvy
@dmward with @froggie0628
@morrisphotos with @joansmor
February 15th, 2014
@northy Hey, please remove me from the challenge this week . . . the last two people whom I gave challenges to must not have been able to complete them, and I haven't been able to either. We have had snow and ice and even an earthquake here, so other things going on. Thanks and hope to join again soon.
February 15th, 2014
Thank you!
February 15th, 2014
@northy @katiebrenkert I'm in. Kathy
February 15th, 2014
How do you join the get pushed challenge?
February 15th, 2014
@oopsadaisy you let me know you want to play and I add you to the list :). Shall I sign you up?
February 15th, 2014
Yes please, anything to improve my photography skills. It will make we think outside the box.
February 15th, 2014
@oopsadaisy ok Daisy... how about you pair up with @kandis as her partner had to bow out after i listed the pairings...
February 15th, 2014
Okay, I will have a read of what I have to do. Thank you, I think.
February 15th, 2014
Hi, there, I have really enjoyed the challenges so far set by great people, but find myself struggling to find the extra time at the moment... could you please take me off this challenge after this week, cheers....I will rejoin later....thanks, Ruby
February 15th, 2014
@ourrube hi Ruby... of course... no worries... and just to be sure i understand, you're still playing for week 83 right? and you'll come off the list from week 84 on?
February 16th, 2014
Yes, thats right... I have a partner this week :)
February 16th, 2014
@northy I would like to get pushed please and thank you.
February 16th, 2014
Is there a "cheat sheet" of push challenges, like a list of things people have been asked to do? I'm new at this and am having a hard time being creative in issuing challenges without copying something read from someone else challenge, even after viewing the last couple months photos.
February 16th, 2014
@northy Hi Mira, @aprilmilani and I were paired last week, no problem if you can't switch us up, just a heads up.
February 16th, 2014
@ikamera thanks. :)
February 16th, 2014
@jenteal hi Jenteal.... i've added you to the list... for the coming week, there isn't anyone else to pair you up with yet, but almost certainly someone will come along in the next day or two and you will be paired up with them...

@bill_fe @aprilmilani - if you want to wait until the end of the day, i can split you up between whoever else comes along and Jenteal...
February 16th, 2014
I have been in touch with @kandis but to date have had no response so if you could keep me on your list maybe I will be paired with somebody next week. Thank you for your help.
February 16th, 2014
@oopsadaisy it's early yet Daisy... you are still quite likely to get a response from Kandis... she is relatively up to date on her project... :)
February 16th, 2014
Hey @oopsadaisy !
I'm sorry! I'm still here! I'll challenge you in a few minutes. Sorry I was very busy the last days and it's still Sunday here so I thought I still had some time. Just give me a second :)
February 16th, 2014
@kandis No that's fine. I thought the challenge had already started but it doesn't start till tomorrow I have now realised.
February 16th, 2014
@kandis Be kind to me Kandis, it is my first ever challenge.
February 16th, 2014
Can you add me to the next challenge please?
Thank so much!
February 17th, 2014
@grapefruit hi Michelle... You can play this week if you want - let me know and I will pair you up!
February 17th, 2014
That would be great! Thanks so much. Please let me know if I have a match.
February 17th, 2014
@grapefruit @jenteal @bill_fe @aprilmilani

howdy... how about we do the following pairings:

@grapefruit and @bill_fe
@jenteal and @aprilmilani
February 17th, 2014
@northy Hello!, can you sign me in for thisone or the next one?
February 17th, 2014
@jagoto hi Javier... of course! i will add your name to the list for pairings for next week... for this week, you'll be partnered up with whoever comes along next wanting to play :)
February 17th, 2014
@northy Northy, I don't think I saw voting since get pushed-81. Did I miss it?
February 17th, 2014
@ikamera well now, that's a good question! i thought week 81 had been put up for voting, but now i can't find it... i really need to start keeping better track... i've left a note for the winner of week 80 asking her if she ever posted the voting thread...
February 17th, 2014
@northy @grapefruit
Works for me.
February 17th, 2014
@northy @jenteal Works for me too. @bill_fe did a awesome job last week. I flopped big time. Sorry about that.
February 17th, 2014
@aprilmilani Thanks April
February 17th, 2014
@bill_fe You were right I need more night shots. Last week we were hit with wind storm after wind storm. Not fun to go out in=O
February 17th, 2014
@aprilmilani Gotta stay safe.
February 17th, 2014
@northy this will have to be my last week for a while. Juggling a lot and need to focus on my school work. I'll let you know when I'm ready to join back in!
February 19th, 2014
Hi @northy I am going to bow out for a few weeks but will complete my challenge this week first. Many thanks for organising this; it is great fun. I will let you know when I'm ready to join back in.
February 20th, 2014
@northy Hey my partner @dmward hasn't issued a challenge for me. I know I had read that she was suffering with a hamstring injury (I think). Didn't know if there was someone needing a partner. If not its fine!!!
February 20th, 2014
@froggie0628 hi Amanda... it's getting a bit late in the week, but maybe you can see if @jagoto wants to start up this week and you can issue each other a challenge that can be carried out over the next few days...
February 20th, 2014
@northy - hi, kiddo. i come crawling back without my photo mojo. i need a real kick in the arse. btw, what's with the weather?!?
February 20th, 2014
@summerfield we do not speak of the weather ;p
February 20th, 2014
@northy we are in. @froggie0628
February 20th, 2014
@froggie0628 Amanda so sorry to leave you hanging. I just got home from the hospital, had surgery to repair my hamstring. I won't be participating this round and if you can find another partner that would be great.

February 20th, 2014
@northy Can you remove me from the list! I just had hamstring surgery and won't be able to participate for a while.

February 20th, 2014
@northy, Can you include me from next week please? :)
February 20th, 2014
@dmward it's not a problem!! I knew you were injured and figured that's what it was. Hope you recover quickly!!!
February 21st, 2014
@dmward ouch! sounds painful... no worries here... just let me know when you're up to playing again! hope you recover quickly :)
February 21st, 2014
@tomtom yup - adding you to the list!
February 21st, 2014
@northy I will NOT be able to participate for the next two (2) weeks, but you can add me back in for Get Pushed 86. Thank you
February 21st, 2014
My get pushed partner has not been on 365 all week, and did not give me a challenge.
February 22nd, 2014
@hjbenson hi Harry... noted...
February 22nd, 2014
@homeschoolmom sorry 'bout that... tx for letting me know... i've tagged them mia... next time, if you let me know earlier in the week, i can usually manage to find you another partner... :)
February 22nd, 2014
Hi. I would like to join this challenge for next week. I feel like I need a kick to figure out how to take some interesting pictures.

I do have a question though, do we usually give our partner one challenge for the week or do we give them more than one?
February 22nd, 2014
@ithinkithunk hi Kristen - happy to add you to the list... and you only give out one challenge to your partner :)
February 22nd, 2014
Could I please be added to the next challenge?
February 22nd, 2014
@kayceejay yup!
February 28th, 2014
@northy Can you please add me to the next challenge. Things have slowed down and I am ready to participate again.

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