Let's see your wedding photography shots!

February 17th, 2014
I'm doing a wedding on March 15th so I want to see your wedding shots for inspiration.
I think we can take a vote on the best. tag it weddingshots

This will run through the month of February (OR when the interest disappears) . ANY DATE time frame works.

You CAN nominate shots that someone else took as well!
February 17th, 2014
This is the only one I have ever posted on 365
February 17th, 2014
Bridal party attacked!

February 17th, 2014
i don't normally photograph people but i went to one wedding last year
February 17th, 2014
Here is one of several I just posted for this discussion. This is the first photo in the series, so if you'd like to see the others, you can click on the photo and then see the rest of the. If you'd like to see even more, you can check out my website. Click on "weddings" at the top.

February 17th, 2014
I lied. I posted this one too
February 17th, 2014

From my niece's wedding reception
February 17th, 2014
My niece, the bride...
February 17th, 2014
February 17th, 2014
This wedding party arrived while I was photographing a waterfall in the gardens. I found the hardest challenge was getting exposure correct - allowing for the huge amount of white in the image (dress), without darkening the skin tones or blowing out the details in the dress (even though I was shooting in the shade).

February 17th, 2014
@ltodd pretty - did you meter this shot to get it right or how did you compensate for those issues?

@wildernesswillie beautiful!
@peggysirk beautiful photo and wow that cake is amazing
@grammyn You achieved your goal I thought it was a retro shot - looks great
@dejongdd Loved, loved looking at your website - beautiful ideas
@hueymilunz You captured a very emotional moment wow
@archaeofrog wow what a creative idea
@grammyn simply beautiful!
February 17th, 2014
@myhrhelper I think I spot metered for the face & then had to burn the parts of the dress a little ( I used RAW files). A fill flash & spot metering on the dress might have been all it needed though. What I found funny was the 'pro' photographer taking quite formal looking images & stopped shooting when the couple relaxed like this. I would set the camera for continuous shooting. There is a NIK Colour efex white neutraliser filter that I would have used in post for colour correction if I had had it! Maybe practice metering large white dresses with a friend wearing a white sheet in similar lighting situations, or shoot RAW ( for WB issues too). Maybe also hunt up some ebooks on wedding photography??
February 17th, 2014
February 17th, 2014
Here are my few attempts.

February 17th, 2014
Here's some I took at my daughter's wedding last summer

February 17th, 2014

February 17th, 2014
February 17th, 2014
I was in two weddings last summer :)

I also work in church during wedding seremonies:
February 17th, 2014
This was tricky because of the low light. Used a point-and-shoot, handheld:

This was from our wedding, shot with an iPad mini:

This is the top tier of our wedding cake that we saved for our first anniversary:

February 17th, 2014
February 17th, 2014
One of me rather than one taken by me.
February 17th, 2014

February 17th, 2014
I've never shot a wedding, but you can check out mine here :)
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