Identify it

March 22nd, 2014
I figure, there are a lot of folks here from a variety of ways of life and backgrounds. Lets see how many odd things we can find and who can identify them. Tag it unid.

Here's the first -

This object weighs precisely 10.0 pounds. Who can identify it?
March 22nd, 2014
I'll have to find something this weekend to play.

I have no idea what that is.
March 22nd, 2014
This sounds like a fun challenge, and i might have a few things somewhere
March 22nd, 2014
pencil sharpeneer for a really fat pencil?
March 22nd, 2014
@grammyn haha, nope, but nice try!
March 22nd, 2014
I got it! is it a 10 lbs weight?? :-D
March 22nd, 2014
@hippiechick13 Well, that's about what it will be used for in the future, but not what I'm looking for. Haha
March 22nd, 2014
Ha ha ha HippyChick...
Reminds me of this...

March 22nd, 2014
I can't make it out too. We had a similar challenge a while ago which was a lot of fun also. We take a pic of something in an abstract way and everyone guesses what it is. Whoever guessed correctly gets the chance to post the next abstract pic.
March 22nd, 2014
@bulldog haha, what a hoot.
March 22nd, 2014
@ikamera That's an interesting approach. I'm not sure how this idea will come off.
March 24th, 2014
I have no clue what yours is... Here's one...
March 24th, 2014
@bellasmom I'm going to take a reach and say it's some sort of large blender attachment.

As for mine, It is a piston pin that holds a piston to a connecting rod for an opposed piston engine made by the company I work for.
March 24th, 2014
Nope, not kitchen related. Should I wait until anyone else guesses before telling?
March 24th, 2014
Sure, give it a few days.
March 24th, 2014
Scalp massager!
March 24th, 2014
Scalp massage tool??
March 24th, 2014
Can you identify this? I bought this in Japan 20 years ago.
March 24th, 2014
@deburahiru @bigugly Yes! Scalp massager!
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