3 Tag Challenge #5

April 6th, 2014
Thank you to all who participated in and voted for the 3 Tag Challenge #4. It was an honor to win!

There have not been a lot of entries in the 3 Tag Challenge so far and @kali66 suggested maybe we merge with the 2 Tag Challenge. She is probably right, but I really like doing the 3 tag and enjoy looking at all of clever entries, so I will give it another go this week and see what happens. :)

This is how the 3 tag challenge was written up by Emily @neuner123 who started it:

So, this challenge is sort of like the Tag Challenge, but you have to pick THREE tags instead of only one! It's a bit more, well, challenging!

If you have not participated in the Tag Challenge, then I will show you how to do it. First, you go to BROWSE, then you click BY TAG. You will then find an entire list of various tags that people have used for their photos. You will COVER YOUR EYES, and CLICK A RANDOM TAG. Whichever tag you picked will be your first tag! You will then REPEAT THIS TWO MORE TIMES to find your second and third tags. Whichever tags you picked, you will have to try to combine them into one photo! Then, just copy and paste your photo onto this page in the comments!

a) you may only post photos in the times listed. If your photo was taken after or before, then you will be disqualified.
b) you may post a MAXIMUM of TWO photos.
d) you must tag your photo TAG3CHALLENGE-5 so that I can see your photos!
e) have fun!


Challenge Starting Date:
Monday 7th of April

Challenge Ending Date:
Sunday 13th of April

voting thereafter until a clear winner emerges.

Thank you for participating in this competition, please have fun!
April 6th, 2014
Yay! Three tags is better than two. ;) I got dog, pink, and tree. *sigh* I hate pink.
April 6th, 2014
Day, ocean & light
April 6th, 2014
kali is a she :o)
April 6th, 2014
Rainbow, colors and critique-me!, oh my!
April 6th, 2014
Colour, landscape and leaves....oooeee!!
April 6th, 2014
Cats, macro & weather
April 6th, 2014
@gozoinklings thank you! I owe an apology to @kali66! She was probably right...so sorry!
April 6th, 2014
I got sunrise, leaves, and nature. I guess I will be getting up early. Kathy
April 6th, 2014
@pammac was not a criticism ... just so you know as you'll probably come across each other again on the project!
April 6th, 2014
@gozoinklings Wasn't taken as one...I appreciate it. :) I just figured out how to edit the original post so it reads correctly now. I learn something new everyday. lol
April 7th, 2014
@bellasmom Oooo I love cats. I can't wait to see yours!
April 7th, 2014
@denvern8v Getting them to do what you want is next to impossible! I will do my best! The last tag challenge I did, cat was one of my words also. Next time, think I'll make sure to pick from the other end of the tags!!
April 7th, 2014
April 7th, 2014
food garden black&white

Let's see if I can figure something out for this. I'd love to take part.
April 7th, 2014
Attempt #1
April 8th, 2014
Horse – OK
b&w – OK
London – Ummm... Honey... I need to go to London this week!
April 8th, 2014
Okay-I'm gonna try again. I got GREEN, WOODS & RAIN. Oh, if only this were in the middle of summer! Some processing magic might be needed.
April 8th, 2014
Clouds, Road and Outside
April 8th, 2014
@marilyn Need to go to london to photograph a horse! Haha, good luck finding a horse even if you do get to london! :)
April 8th, 2014
Glass, plants and b&w - an attempt-able one this week! Yay! I think it might be time to crack out the crystal ball again!
April 8th, 2014
dogs, reflection, fun... Is necessary to think...
April 8th, 2014
Yay - I got three tags this time that I was able to do! Portrait, dog and life. Here's my first attempt.....know I can do better....

April 9th, 2014
I got glass plant and B&W, couldnt bring myself to steal the colour from the beautiful daffodils so I went for selective colouring.
April 11th, 2014
My first attempt at the tag3 challenge. Might be stretching my the interpretation of my tags here but it was fun : )
April 13th, 2014
cats/macro/weather: Well, I guess sunshine counts as weather?! Not what I was hoping for, but it's impossible to get these 2 together for one shot:)
April 14th, 2014
I'm in NY on vacation...hope to get the pics together for voting later today. Love what I see!!
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