... and the winner of the abstract-mobilephone challenge is:

June 23rd, 2014
Dear fellow 365-ers,

I'm proud to announce the winner of the mundane abstract-mobilephone challenge: TODD! @olivieto is a double winner - not due to the fact that he got 15 (out of 26) votes - because he also won the mundáne-mobilephone challenge. Very special.This does not happen often. Congratulations, Todd! :)
You've got the honor to host both challenges. Good luck!

This is his winning photo: 'Obsolete'
June 23rd, 2014
wow! double well done @olivieto
June 23rd, 2014
Thank you Marloes, very excited the next challenge will be up shorly.
June 23rd, 2014
Awesome for the double-win @olivieto! Both were fantastic.
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