Abstract Bubbles

January 10th, 2015
thank you
January 10th, 2015
Been having problems posting. So thank you all for voting on Abstract, Ice. I won!! Now I am trying to host Abstract Bubbles. Give me a little time and will post more
January 10th, 2015
The new mundane theme is Bubbles. Always chosen by the winner of the last mundane challenge,the mundane abstract subject is the same.

You can not double tag ! Your Mundane image must differ from your Abstract image.You can be more imaginative in the use of the item for this abstract challenge!

You are free to use any photographic technique you would like to create an image of this mundane object in an abstract way.

You may enter as many photos on the subject as you'd like, but they need to be taken during the challenge time frame to be considered for a finalist.

Like the regular Mundane challenge, the starting date is Friday 9 of January and the challenge will run for 8 days through to the end of Saturday 17th

Please tag your entries: abstract-bubbles

Voting will start shortly after the finalists are selected and will last for a couple of days, and the winner will be announced shortly thereafter.

Feel free to post your entries on this thread as well to inspire others.

Objects used for this challenge in the past: toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electric plug, paper clip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, , plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes, door handle, tea bag, broom, tin can, egg(s), shoelaces, clothes peg/pin, wheel, mailbox, pill, bottle, chain, zipper, seed(s), vegetable(s), cutlery, playing cards, mobile phone, pasta, chair, camera, blanket, paper, rubber, tack, mouse and ice

If you can't tell I copied and pasted and changed a few words.
January 10th, 2015
January 10th, 2015
I don't know what I did to get it to finely post. But each try was getting shorter. Was down to Abstract Bubbles and thank you.

Looking forward to see the bubble photos. For me I like to get the kids playing with bubbles. Then tell them I am tying to get a cool bubble photo and then take a few bubble photos to show them. But really after the candied shot of the kids and parents. I think it gets them to stop looking at me and putting on that fake smile
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