Madhatters - Storytellers

January 18th, 2015
What a fun week it was, capturing everyone's favorite games. Here are a few captures that others took:

"Monpolising the Parking" by Wendy Bowden @wenbow

"Multiple Me" by April @aecasey

"You Don't Know Jack!" by Summerfield @summerfield

"Play Along" by Lin @linnypinny

"Hide and Seek" by Bill Fenske @bill_fe

"Some Dice" by Amanda Schulz @acsstudios

Great work all. And thanks to everyone who joined in. :)

So our group, the Madhatters, is not just about taking photos, but trying to tell a story or represent a story already created. This week, we'll be capturing the Storyteller. The writer, the poet, the songwriter, the playwright, the old pirate sitting at some dock pub raising his glass and keeping all who can hear in awe of his swashbuckling tale.

So join along, and capture a photo that represents you're favorite storyteller, or a capture that represents storytelling in general.

Tag your photos madhatters-storytellers
January 18th, 2015
fabulous images this week everyone! thank you for playing!
January 18th, 2015
@madhatters Thanks for highlighting mine!
January 18th, 2015
So excited to join in again this week. Love the storytellers and their wonderful tales! Great work. So many games last week!
January 19th, 2015
@bill_fe I loved yours, Bill. Great humor.
January 19th, 2015
@mbemis Thanks Mannie
January 19th, 2015
@bill_fe Yours so rocked, Bill. You are funny and I love me so funny. We need more of that, this world does. Keep up the funny! P.S. Got that chai you recommended. The Tazo stuff. Prefer my insta crap. That stuff is so damn good.
January 19th, 2015
@amandal Thanks. What chai do you use?
January 19th, 2015
Crack chai :). @bill_fe
January 20th, 2015
@bill_fe Mystic Chai. Total crack stuff.
January 20th, 2015
@amandal Looked it up, too many chemicals and unnatural ingredients for me.
January 20th, 2015
@bill_fe I think it's the chemicals that make it oh so good;-). Just kidding. A bit more natural would be nice, but it is a nice and tasty alternate to cocoa for me.
January 20th, 2015
@amandal Yeah, I don't remember the brand anymore, but I used to make the powdered stuff too.
January 26th, 2015
@madhatters What is the theme this week?
January 29th, 2015
@bill_fe Looking for it. It was up, I swear it was.
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