Technique Challenge 43--Low Key Portraits

August 9th, 2015
Thanks to everyone who voted for my gull picture in the negative space challenge! It was wonderful fun against great competition :) A special thanks to Clare @pistache for facilitating the challenge :)

I'm a relative new comer to 365 and the negative space challenge was the first competition that I entered, so I was really excited to be able to choose the next technique. As I was going through the list of techniques I wanted to explore I realized that the ones that I am currently trying to master have already been done, so I have decided to repeat a previous technique--LOW KEY. This time however used in a portrait. So the Technique challenge is LOW KEY Portraits (animal, human, or extraterrestrial.)

For new comers to technique challenges this will give you a chance to try out something new. For old pros this will give you a chance to show us how it's done and how far you've progressed. It never hurts to revisit a skill and see how far you can take it.

Please give it a try; I can't wait to see what you come up with. Please tag your photo technique43. This challenge starts now, Sunday, August 9 and will close at midnight US CST on Monday, August 17.

I'll be posting examples shortly. Have fun!

August 9th, 2015
Here are a few of the amazing examples from 365 member. I hope you don't mind me including your work. It is inspiring to me.

by Lisa @lisamccloskey
August 9th, 2015
by David @davidtom
August 9th, 2015
by Mauricio @Mauri383

It doesn't have to be in black and white. Good luck to all!
August 9th, 2015
These are beautiful. Can't wait to give it a try.
August 10th, 2015
@texastrails You wrote a wonderful layout for the competition and lovely that you included a special note to newcomers and oldies alike! I'll keep this in mind ad the examples you gave are wonderful and I'd love to add that technique to my albums!
August 11th, 2015
@texastrails Great choice Allie. I love portraits and especially low-key ones. I shot this just before I saw your challenge - serendipity!

August 11th, 2015
@texastrails How shall we tag the pictures,Allie? "technique--LOWKEYportrait" for instance? I need the info if you'd list it so we're all on the same page with this! Thanks!
August 11th, 2015
Please tag your photos technique43. I can't wait to see the entries.
August 11th, 2015
@Weezilou thank you so much for your insights. I can't wait to see your entry 😀
Please tag it technique43.
August 11th, 2015
@aat3877 I can't wait to see your results.
August 11th, 2015
@pistache such a powerful shot!
August 11th, 2015
As this technique is one I've seldom used, I'm open to all suggestions! I did pose a question on my site as to where to look for the lighting...

August 11th, 2015
@Weezilou this is awesome! I like the choice of lighting.
August 12th, 2015
So to the others whose wonderful photos I saw listed under this technique43 tag, "How do you handle post-processing"? I always open my photos first in RAW, but if I adjust the picture, I lose what I was striving for... I no longer leave a photo SOOC, but found I had to in this case. Suggestions?

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