WINNER Tag challenge 119

October 24th, 2015
Hi everyone
Sorry for the delay in posting the results but things have not been so good in our town this week and life has felt very unsettled.

However, I have now counted up the votes for the 119th tag challenge and the overwhelming winner is Kali @kali66 Tags: sooc + fog

October 24th, 2015
Well done Kali @kali66, your turn to host no 120!
October 24th, 2015
oh cool thankyou
October 24th, 2015
@kali66 Congrats - this is so atmospheric!
October 24th, 2015
@kali66 congrats
October 24th, 2015
@dibzgreasley you ok?
October 24th, 2015
Thanks for asking Annie. It is has been quite a week. We have not been allowed onto campus all week as the students nationwide have been protesting about fees. The university students all over the country scored a victory today with their largely peaceful protests. They managed to get the attention of the government and the Vice Chancellors of all the universities met with President Zuma and they came up with a plan for the future of higher education in South Africa. The most important outcome is that there will be no fee increases for next year.

In our small town however, xenophobic unrest has been taking place and all schools were closed yesterday. I picked my son up at 11am and we spent the day at home.

It has been very unsettling. But we are safe and well, thank goodness.
October 24th, 2015
congrats Kali @kali66
October 25th, 2015
i missed this photo - love it
October 25th, 2015
@kali66 Congrats! It's a beautiful shot.
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