Time in the spotlight and an invitation!

February 21st, 2016
Dear all!

While there are votes and winners for all kinds of challenges here on 365, there is one ongoing challenge that is continuing pretty quietly, but still going on strong – the 52-week Dogwood challenge!

We have had some great entries so far, and I felt they all deserved to get some time in the spotlight. So, below you will find the links to the entries for the first seven weeks of the challenge. You are more than welcome to join the challenge at any point – just follow the prompts and put appropriate tags to your pictures for each week’s themes.

One prompt a week, for the whole year. It can help you to get “unstuck” if you are in the photo-rut, it can help you to try new subjects, new techniques and hopefully become better photographers.

The list of the dates, topics and 365-tags for the year is HERE.

And here are links to the entries for the first 7 weeks:

Week 1: Self-portrait
Week 2: Traditional lanscape
Week 3: Artistic, Red
Week 4: Portrait: Headshot
Week 5: Landscape, Black and White
Week 6: Artistic: Candy
Week 7: Portrait: Faceless

A huge THANK YOU to all who participate week after week! It’s a real inspiration to look at your pictures!

February 21st, 2016
Thanks Vera, but I think I've fallen too far behind. I'll just keep meandering on in my own way :-)
February 21st, 2016
@vera365 Will try to jump in here for week 8. Sounds like fun.
February 21st, 2016
@vera365 Thanks, Vera. Great way to explore new techniques
February 21st, 2016
thanks Vera - I have participated every week too
February 21st, 2016
@annied Of course! Sorry I missed you in the list - just copied and pasted it from one of the earlier threads.
February 21st, 2016
@jaybutterfield That is great! The more the merrier!
February 21st, 2016
@guysnape Just jump in again if you feel like it! It was great to have you on board!
February 22nd, 2016
Thank you Vera! Only up to Week #5 so far.
February 22nd, 2016
@april16 I think the beauty of this challenge is its freedom! Just jump right back in whenever you feel like it.
February 22nd, 2016
@vera365 I will try and join in from this point forward. Looks like a great way to learn new techniques and jumpstart some ideas. Thanks Vera!
February 22nd, 2016
@cristinaledesma33 Great to hear! Just tag your entries. I found one prompt a week very manageable and I've already learned a lot.
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