Tag Challenge extended until 10/13

October 10th, 2016
Giving people a few extra days to get their photos in for the tag challenge. Will pick my five finalists Thursday morning MDT - 10/13.

Here is a link to the challenge: http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/28507/new-tag-challenge-132

Entries can be found here: http://365project.org/tags/tag-challenge-132

October 12th, 2016
I got seagull and I dont have any of those around here, do I have to attempt draw a picture of one and take a picture of it? haha
October 13th, 2016
@michaelblueeyes Ha! Just put on the seagull scene from Finding Nemo. ;)
October 13th, 2016
@dyanstevens Hahaha Good one! I actually saw a few today! But I managed to have AF off! Doh!
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