Album cover challenge 70...only 8 hours left to enter!

October 16th, 2016
Thanks to all those who have already entered. Remember you can enter more than once. Click on the link below for details of what to do and how to enter

October 16th, 2016
aaargh forgot ....
October 16th, 2016
@kali66 still time to enter :)
October 16th, 2016
So sorry - just plain ran out of time ... so many challenges, so little time! (and life that gets in the way of what I would like to do!)
October 16th, 2016
@farmreporter Still time as I'm not planning on announcing the final five until tomorrow evening and there aren't many entries as yet. Please feel free to enter if you still want to. Remember you can use an old photo that fits if you have no time to take a new one :)
October 16th, 2016
Oh my goodness, Thank you! I will do that! I will work on this right away since I was very disappointed to run out of time. Was looking forward to trying it out.
October 16th, 2016
@farmreporter No problem. I will probably put up the finalists in around 24 hours time. I have an early, long day at work tomorrow so nothing will happen until I'm back home and vegged out on the sofa anyhow. Look forward to your entry :)
October 16th, 2016
done ")
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