F-Word Challenge 52 Begins

November 15th, 2016
F-Word Challenge 52 - FLORAL

Many thanks to all of those who participated in the F-Word Challenge 51, it was much appreciated. Thank you to Caroline @kerosene for hosting it.

Thank you to all those who voted for my photo - “Snake!”
It was a lovely surprise!

I decided that the next F word, should be simple and straightforward but also with a modecum of challenge.

The word is FLORAL - it can be flowers, trees in flower, material, someone wearing a floral dress, a floral pattern on a tablecloth, floral arrangements etc. Find something with PIZAZZ!

Your photo must be taken on or between Wednesday 16 November to Wednesday 23rd. Voting will start the next day, Thursday 24 November. I’ll include all the previous F words in the winning post.

Tag your photos f-wordw52 and I hope your participate!

See all the entries here: http://365project.org/tags/f-wordw52

Good luck to you all!

Cheers, Melissa (@hunnybee)

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