Street challenge #28

December 18th, 2016
Thank to everyone for participating and voting in the last street challenge. And a big thank you to @summerfield for hosting it.

This was on the first challenge I've won so was really delighted, thank you again to everyone who voted for Rainy Days and Mondays :-)

I now have the honour of hosting the next challenge.

Here is a definition of street photography copied from the original Street Challenge post.

"Catching a fleeting moment WHERE THE PRIMARY SUBJECT IS PEOPLE, doing what people do, being what people are and which moves the viewer in some way. Street photography is often B&W, but not exclusively or necessarily so. Contains a human presence & element even if it is architecturally inclined. Often defined as "Unposed scenes in public places": so, no street portraiture where the subject is posing - although they may catch you & look into the camera! It does not need to be confined to overtly urban areas - could be a beach (or an airport). Avoid heavy hdr processing, spot-colouring etc..."

If you want to give it a go but find yourself wondering, “should I ask permission before shooting strangers in public places?” then the short answer is "no". But you'll find longer and more helpful answers here:

If you want to know more about street photography, here's a very helpful resource from Eric Kim’s blog:

If you are new to this genre, or a bit intimidated, street shots do not have to be close up, they can be silhouettes, or a person from a distance that shows the scale of the location, or an interesting background.

This challenge will run from today, Sunday 18 December until midnight UK time on Saturday 7 January 2017. Entries must be taken within these dates.

Please tag your photos street-28

Please also post your photo on this thread to keep this challenge current and to inspire others. Thank you.

Looking forward to seeing your entries.

Christine @inthecloud5
December 18th, 2016
December 31st, 2016
December 31st, 2016
January 4th, 2017
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