5+2 love selfies- Night

January 16th, 2017
Its perfectly logical that there be Vulcan pirates called Swillin Billly Flynn giving the vulcan four finger salute somewhere in this universe @swillinbillyflynn

beyond any shadow of a doubt Aaron @grizzlysghost keeps his head when everyone around is losing theirs

and it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination that our good friend Wendy @wenbow invites cats to tea parties

we thank everyone that offered up their version of logic

Now we will venture out into the night, dance in the dark, lurk under the lampposts, saunter under the stars and move in the moonlight, come with us, and Take your own self portrait in the nighttime and tag it fiveplustwo-night

Mike @mikegifford
Caroline @kerosene
Vikki @summerfield
Breia @breiavictoria
Kali @kali66
Domenico @domenicododaro

January 16th, 2017
we tag our followers hoping you will play along, if you dont wish to be tagged let us know!

@365projecttaylor @abbydooby @abhijit @aecasey @agentzuckerguss @aikiuser @aleksandra @alisonp @amandal @amrita21 @amyamoeba @amylee0143 @amyleewinfield @anne15 @annied @azpete68 @baldsinger @baronial @basqgirl @baznman @bella_ss @beluga @bill_fe @bin1101 @blueberry1222 @bobfoto @bookthiefsfriend @breiavictoria @brett101 @brianarmoured @brigette @brookiebear @bsh @bsheppard @bug @cameraholic @carare @carla42 @caroline11820 @carys @catsmeowb @catwhiskers @catwoman2 @cazink @cdean1956 @ceilidh @cgarner @charmboxstudios @chlyo72 @chriswang @claycameras @cocobella @cphotography @craig3f2 @craigwantsnack @davidrobinson @deadschool @deborah63 @deburahiru @deliad @denidouble @dh @dide @digitalrogue @dougapic @dmortega @domenicododaro @drfleury14 @drussell @dtigani @dumais @dyanstevens @edie @eevarita @ekaterina @elishajae @elliotwb @elviracarrasco @emilychadderton @eonprimerol @epcello @estranjer @ethelperry @exouistitis @fallingstar @fauxtography365 @fearinnocent @fernandocrespo @flashster78 @flyrobin @frameit @frappa77 @francoise @frida @g_meus @gabigabs @gark @gavincci @gazbadger @gazdi @georgiat @gerry13 @gigiz @golab @gracefullyetched @graemestevens @gwhit123 @gypsylady @hippiechick13 @hjbenson @homefarm @hopess13 @houdiniem @houser934 @hvansteenburgh @hwhittle77 @ikamera @iliketobeweird @ira @irisn @izzymathie @izzyromilly @jack2201 @jack4john @jantan @jaynefos365 @jeetee @jlindros @jmrittle @jo38 @jocasta @jocee @johannaf @johnfalconer @jonesy1 @jothan @jporcaro @judithdeacon @juleshoogstraanderson @juliedduncan @kali66 @kandkids @karliam17 @kategoring @katharinehubbard @kathyboyles @kr57 @katiamarieg @katrinanz @kazlamont @keclark @kerosene @kimkyra @kittikat @kiwiellen @kiwinanna @kjarn @kriegundliebe @kt8ird @lam @lambda @lan @leephotoofyork @leigh7900 @lenimiss @lifepause @lillula @lindseying @lisatown @lissylis @lizhammond @louuncouth @lpiscit2 @ludgate @luvmynynix @luvthyclassics @mace508 @macromover @maggie2 @maggiemae @maishanny @mara19500 @marie65 @mariyakey @martinstoj @mastermek @mathilde22cat @mbrunner @mcrt @megstorey @mei_photography @mellowmandy @micetro @michellespage @michelleyoung @mickster @mikegifford @miller_d @misterkitty @mlulu191 @moonmtn @mornegrewe @moviegal1 @mrsc19 @mrstull @mtpagano @my_photofun @mzzhope @nadaa @nanderson @neatz @netkonnexion @northy @not_left_handed @nthomas28 @olenadole @oreos808 @ounooi @overalvandaan @paign @palmilla @pamknowler @pammerritt @panthora @paulie @pdulis @peeliks @pepeblond @peterday @peterdegraaff @photohoot @photographynewbie @pittcj17 @pixelchix @pocketmouse @projectx @redy4et @ricaa @riddle @riverlandphotos @rockinrobyn @romeheather @roseolivia @rosiekind @royb40 @runestone @ryanarra2 @salza @sarraphoto @sassik @sassyinma @seejillrun @semjaja @sgianettoni @sianipops @sidecar @skjgraphics @sknutson @slash @sleepingbeauty @smevvy @snaphappi @snoopybooboo @snowflakes86 @sophienett @sparkle @squamloon @sstcowan @stacypie @steffguayante @stephlisa87 @stefneyhart @streats @suebarni @suesmith @sugarmuser @summerfield @susale @swillinbillyflynn @tabbycat @taffy @tammyputney @tammynicole @tctime @tealgarciaphotography @teamquavers @tetonia @theemptyroom @thejazzyj @theseven @thomastoth @thresheg @timewalker @tigerdreamer @tori_shaw @totallyevita @tracie8266 @tracys @transatlantic @trbo @tremerryn @vignouse @voiceprintz @wamstreet @wanabe @webfoot @weezilou @welshgirl @wenbow @wendyhgill @wildernesswillie @wilhelmreitz @willowidk @yaorenliu @ylvalie @zoegriffin_ @alphoto @zosimasy @365projectjadekatphotography
January 17th, 2017
what i loved so much about the logic theme as all the different takes on it... wonderful!!!
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